School Opens Tomorrow

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Avatar for Annthony18
3 years ago

Education is very important to lot's of people especially to our youth as we called them as the future and the hope of our nation, and as they to become our future leaders they must be sharpen their skills and knowledge and should go to school and finish their education. But unfortunately because of the pandemic situation that we are facing today the education of our children has been put in doubt and a not good situation.

Here in the Philippines our government have implemented an nationwide lock downs all over the country that puts a community quarantine on all cities and towns which occur on closing down the economy that closed some establishments, non essential and other sectors and because of that decision by the government it also leads to Schools and Universities to stop the school year in all levels. It is supposed to be not less than 1 month and the school year was finally over but the government makes this announcement because they have no choice, they just make that decision just to stop the spreading of the corona virus that at that times the outbreak has become rapid and only thinks for the safety of all the students. A lot of graduation have been postponed and some of the have been done virtually.

Yet the government led by the Department of Education is giving out their best to ensure learning continuity despite of this pandemic. At first the government announced the opening date of the schools is going to be on August 24 but because of the continuous spread and giving a high treat to all they postponed it and decided to move on another date.

And finally after 7 months of announcing of the suspension of the classes the Department of Education has decide to Opens the school year tomorrow October 5, 2020. The Education Department yes will officially opens the school year tomorrow despite that the total number of cases now in our country is 322,497 and still with out the vaccine and the virus is still out there.

Well the government said that they are all prepared for this re opening of the schools and will not let lead to harm on almost 22 million students in the country. And one of the preparation that they did is by distance learning or what we called now the new normal education, which the students and his/her students are having a class online while others have also have modular learning style which the teacher will print their work sheet and the students will answer it at home, which the parents are the one who will get the modules in the school as well as bringing it back to the school, since we are still under a general community quarantine that the age under 21 cannot go out side of their house.

And because of these opening of classes will be a new challenge for the teacher's especially on teaching online which even the long time teachers and newbies are all equal since teaching online is new for them compare on the usual school calendar that they have. But i think this online classes is a big problem for the parents especially to those parents that are busy working and cannot monitor their children on their studies online and mostly to all of those who cannot afford the internet technology nowadays that you should need a gadget and Wifi or at least stable internet connection to catch up with these online classes that about to start.

Another big challenge for this coming opening of schools are those remote places in other provinces that the transportation of going to schools are very and very hard to reach and now another problems for them is the internet connection that are very very slow and worst they do not have an internet signal at all.

At these time of great risk we have to resilient, self discipline, responsible and caring for others. We just need to hope and pray that everything will go smooth and okay as it is already there school openings that for me in my own opinion should be they cancel for the whole school year until there is no virus. And that is it for my article keep safe every one.

$ 0.28
$ 0.28 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Annthony18
3 years ago


Goodluck to all students

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Wow it's very informative article I appreciate it

$ 0.00
3 years ago

good article , keep it up

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank a lot

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3 years ago