My first day on school new normal

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Avatar for Annthony18
3 years ago

Here in Philippines the start of public school is Oct 5 and it was not really going on if the D.E.P.E.D did not force. It first there is not enough money or fund for the online Class, Second there is no internet connection on the really far provinces, Third the D.E.P.E.D isn't even ready because their modules are failure there is a lot of problems in Their modules, Lastly and the internet connection in here is not so stable because There are too many users of it and the videos are buffering and some didn't even Able to connect because of their internet provider and if they don't have gadget(s) or Their gadget isn't updated enough to download those apps we will need for the Online class. And the tablets that the mayor of Quezon City promised to give to the Students before the deadline of Oct 5 wasn't given so the students don't have what They need to go online class and the internet length or allowance isn't enough for the google meets to attend to it so how are the students who don't have the required or needed things gonna complete this school year. The D.E.P.E.D shouldn't force this School year to continue because what they only want is to get the money or fund for This project the officials and the others just like on the other government groups or Association just like the Philhealth . Now do you see why the class of 2020 should Not be continued and stopped but what can i do i can only watch and complain in my House and this article is just to get some extra income so don't mind this because i Know you can also do nothing and the government will defend it just like what they Are doing right. Now back to the title content the teachers have not anything to Teach that is really connected to the class which is the subject and what they can Only teach is the rules regulations and the things that they should not do and others Just like my experience and the other things that they teach is i learned a lot of years Ago and surely the other students know it and the reason for that is they can say the Teachers have something to teach and some of it are almost nonsense because they Repeat it the first day and other and our schedule is not been really used because of the Reasons that i have written above .so i Hope i have enlightened you somehow or Just some sort of informed or see something new and now what is going on this School year of 2020 so see you soon (: The END.

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$ 0.16 from @TheRandomRewarder
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3 years ago
