Lumber tycoon 2 roblox

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Avatar for Annthony18
3 years ago

Hello if you are reading this you might be one of the players who is new to lumber Tycoon or you might be the roblox player who is new on this really old game well i Will you the basics of this game and some of the secrets of this game and now lets Begin newbie so first you will spawn near at the wood rust shop and you can see you Only have twenty dollar starter money and you should use that for buying the basic Hatchet and which cost twenty dollars now you already now what that means you Will use that basic hatchet for cutting the near oak trees and after that what would You do its simple look at the right side of the wood rust shop there is the wood drop Of and you should drop the oak logs that you have cut and if that do not fit just Simply cut it to smaller pieces and there you will see your money will have some Depending at the size of the log you put and then if you are having some bad time to Cut those trees if you are lucky to spot rich and helpful player which could be a good Friend he/she will help you or give you some of his/her axe or woods then if he/she Might even also give you some money to continue on what you are buying and now You can buy a land near at the rust wood shop at left side of it and ask that guy and Pay him maybe four hundred dollars for a starter land and next you can use some Conveyor to stripped some logs to make it even higher the price and you can also buy A utility vehicle at the rust wood shop that cost four hundred dollars and you can buy Blueprints at his shop also then customized your shop now the secrets the first one Is the lava location which you can have some lava woods that cost a lot if you sell and Specially when you stripped it then to do it you must carefully climb that lava floor With a utility vehicle and avoid those huge boulders so that you will not waste your Axe and time after that you can cut the trees and drop them of down and after that Collecting process you can bring your car down with you without going back by Those deadly lava floor so thats it for now The End.

$ 0.03
$ 0.03 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Annthony18
3 years ago


I heard about the game but I did not know how to play that. But its look like nice to play..

$ 0.00
3 years ago