Italian's Finest

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Avatar for Annthony18
3 years ago

Italy a country that is one of the most oldest in the world today from their well known Roman Empire it is part of the European Community. Aside from that they are very known for lots of very beautiful places and tourist attractions some of that is the Colosseum which is very famous structure from long time ago that the Italian people managed to maintain the built of it at is very known as gathering of the fights of gladiator that time. And as working in the cruise ship industry i have chance to visit it personally and I'am very happy and lucky when that time happen.

Other than that there is the Canals in Venice where as it very famous here in the Philippines we make our own version of inspired Venice Canals in a Mall in Taguig. The Pompeii which was built by the Romans more than 2,000 years ago. There also the leaning tower of Pisa and we can find also in Italy the most Holy Place and church for the Roman Catholic Religion the Vatican where the Pope lives and so blessed also that i'd been able to visit there as for me as a Catholic is a very nice and proud and happening in my life.

But what I'am very amazed on this country is on how they handle the situation on their country in these times of pandemic Before these pandemic shock the world we could still remember that Italy has been once on top of the list as in Number 1 in the tally for the most number of people been affected by the corona virus and at that point so many cases has been spread all over Italy and lots of body of those who died has been carried to the Military truck as i remembered. And as their President cried with tears in front of the media saying that they are not ready on what hit on them and they don't know what they will do as the number of cases that time are rapidly spreading like a bullet train.

But now Italy has changed that as they managed to overcome that from being number 1 they dropped now in the list of the World's most positive cases to number 20!!!!! How they do that well as they are shocked by what hit them their Country implemented some lock down that seems to be very strange for Italian people because they like to go outside most of the time but they followed it as the responds their government and strictly follow social distancing showing that every one is caring for what they are doing to surpass it and now they have flatten the curve and almost living in a normal life just waiting for a vaccine to be available in the world as some of their places have been open to the public and some Cruise ship operations has already started with two of my company's ship is included on those is operational already.

I just hope that what happens to Italy on how they handle the out break on their country would be an inspiration to our country the Philippines as we MUST FOLLOW all the Health protocols that our government implementing and always think before we act that if we don't have important things to do outside much better we just stay at home for now we are already at the number 21 spot behind one spot from Italy let us not wait for us to be in Number 1 before we act. In these situation please we all help each other on fighting these enemy as we heal all us one. Thank you so much let's all be safe and covid free.

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$ 0.06 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Annthony18
3 years ago


I'm glad that Italy overcome the Pandemic, I hope that PH will do even more

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes bro I'am really glad also that Italy has managed to flatten the curved on their number of positive cases in their country to the fact that they're leaders have already surrendered at one time but now here they are defeating the enemy that we cannot see i hope really that Italy would be a great inspiration in our country on battling against the pandemic.

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3 years ago

I subscribe you nice article

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3 years ago

I hv subscribe ur chnnl... Plz do subscribe mine too 😇

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3 years ago