I have a dog.

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4 years ago

Hi there I had dog named spike every morning me spike went walking I like to get my morning paper Spiked liked to meet other dogs and sniff things along the way. One morning while he was sniffing Spike met a cat Miaooww Spike barked he jumped he sprang and twisted his leash I tried to pull him back but he was too strong for me and with a spin and a twist I slipped out of my hand his collar. Off down the street he ran ruff ruff ruff he had little legs but he could run very fast then I dropped off my glasses and I couldn't see very well and I call him Spike Spike but Spike couldn't hear me ruff ruff he went ruff ruff Spike ran after the cat. He ran around one corner and then another he ran over one bin and then another he ran through a thick bush under a gate along a path he ran as fast as he could but he didn't catch the cat. It jumped on to a high wall Spike barked but the cat just licked its paws Spike gave up it was time to go home to me. He turned to walk home but then he stopped the shop had gone me had gone the street he knew so well had gone he trotted up and down streets he looked down alleys. He sniffed post he sniffed flowers he sniffed trees there were no smells he knew anywhere it was growing dark Spike was lost Spike was hungry. He was cold too he couldn't stop shivering. Under a bridge in a park he found a spot where the grass was soft and tall he made a bed. He tucked his head between his paws there were sounds in the dark Spike couldn't sleep. Back home me couldn't sleep either he sat in his chair by the fire and worried where was Spike was he safe then me had fell asleep in my chair. The TV went fuzzzz but me couldn't wake up in the morning me put on my coat and my hat and my scarf i go on and walked slowly to the shop I looked up and down alleys and to the shop but spike didn't come and back in the park spike woke up by the ducks and he want to go on to cross the road but the cars won't stop so he decided to go on but while he is crossing the road he heard the loud noise from the car and a man came out from the car then looked at Spike and pick him up and bring Spike to his car then looked at Spike's collar but he can't see an address then he decides to bring spike to dog found so me can find him meanwhile another day passed I still can't find Spike then Ive think that what if Spike is in the dog found now so I decided to go on every dog found that I now but there is no spike on every dog found Ive been to then a car I see and I looked straight to the window then I see a dog's face then I can see spike then I knocked to the cars door and I asked the man that found my Spike and I thanked soo much for what he'd done and I knowed that he was a neighbor just a little bit closer thank you!

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4 years ago
