How to properly raise a cat

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Avatar for Annthony18
3 years ago

This article is for the pet lovers who is planing to raise a cat well the first thing that You should do is check if there is place for your future cat and also check if your Budget is enough for you to provide the needing of your future cat just like a baby And check if anyone in your home is allergic to a cat and check your place if your Surroundings if it fits for a cat and most importantly if you have enough time or Extra time for raising a cat and if you have a high patience and if your place has a Some cats because it is for a cat to do not get bored which may for a cat to have a Serious disease and other illness now if you have all of these things then Congratulations you can get your own cat i would like to recommend you to just Adopt a cat because it is for the animal rescuers to have more space for the other Homeless cats and other animals and its also a benefit for you if you are saving Money specially o this time of corona virus era or the every one hundred years Pandemic(s) so now its time to pick which breed or kind of cats oh there is one very Special ability of a cat which is the night vision and we all knew that cats can easily Get their balance after falling in a specific feet and now if you have already pick a Breed of cat or a kind of cat just like the tuxedo cat now you already have a cat and You are enjoying him/her as a pet or a family now you were been told what to do and What things you need to buy such as cat food or replace it as fish meat and some Milk now we all know that cats love yarn balls so you should have them at home and Now ho do we play with cats first make sure that its toy has a fluffy like kind Structure and different movements and actions so that they will not get bored and Make sure that they have been check by a vet every month so for you to check if your Cat if they have some illness or disease and you know how to feed them just three Times a day and make sure that they drink fresh water and change it for at least Every two days and now you know how to take of a cat The End.

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Avatar for Annthony18
3 years ago


Well your ways of raising a cat makes me to love cat more thanks for that

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes indeed having a cat or pets in your household is not an easy task you should treat them as part of your own family and give them extra care for them to feel that they are special.

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3 years ago