How dunkin donuts was made Part 1

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3 years ago

Hello there wanna know in how dunkin donut was made/born then you picked the Wright article any way lets begin. In 1916 William was born to immigrant jewish Parents in a humble urban neighborhood called dorchester in boston his family Owned a grocery store but were still considered poor and struggled to pay their bills Since they didn't save enough for the down payment. So Williams started delivering For them and worked several odd jobs as early as 10 years old he picked up and Dropped off laundry sorted mail shine shoes handed out newspapers gave out ice Cream and even sold pieces of ice. Some days he had to climb three flights of stairs With a heavy block of ice and and a big water pan underneath at the end of the day he Was so exhausted he could barely move still he took pride in his works and the Lessons that it taught. I learned that if i believed i could do something and had a Positive attitude and was there to serve the people i could succeed it didn't make Any difference if i was shining shoes or selling newspapers maintaining a positive Attitude prepared him for many unfortunate events. When the great depression hit William and his family survived emotionally and financially but not without Sacrifice William insisted on dropping out of school in the eight grade to support the Family after they lost their store not long after he got a full time delivering .Telegrams the faster he peddled his bike and the harder he worked the more Commission he earned eventually he became the best in his division but he quit after Three years to make more money at simcoe a company that sold ice cream out of Refrigerated trucks. It was it was there were he met his first mentor Harry Winiker Harry was an accountant for simcoe who taught William for everything he needed to Know about balance sheets statements and figures these skills help him grow within .The company over four years he rose from being a delivery boy to a manager and Later a national sales manager his time at the company helped him start a new life Altogether he married Harry's sister in law started a family and moved in into a high Class neighborhood. Good fortune he was finally on his side up until he received a Message that he was bound to hear the draft board informed him that he would Have to fight in the second world war unless he found an essential job so he left in Simcoe. And headed towards a nearby shipyard in search of a new job they offered Him a handyman position for minimum wage but he wasn't happy are you kidding Me i have a refrigerator engineer license William barked what does that qualify you For they asked plumbing or electrical William. Answered the shipyard was Impressed and offered William a job as an electrician in the highest salary they could Afford the only problem is that William did obtain a license while working for Simcoe he could barely put a plug in a socket it didn't take long for Williams Manager to find them he was eletrocuted on his first day at work and switched to the Cable department still his manger so potential in him and paired him with a couple Of his top technician like Harry they mentored him and taught him everything he Needed to know it only goes to prove that no matter how how little you know if Matter how little you know if you're eager to learn ask questions,and go to the right People you can do almost anything over a decade William went from being an 8th Grade droupout to an electrician engineer so thats it for the part The End.

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3 years ago
