How Covid19 change my life

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Avatar for Annthony18
4 years ago

To start with my article i just like to introduce my self to all of you here in read cash. I'm Anthony Bautista 36 years of age Filipino and an OFW or Overseas Filipino Worker my job is a seafarer as Laundryman in Costa Crocerie in the Cruise ships industry.

I started my career as a seafarer way back 2014 before i work in the cruise ship industry i worked first outside of the country in Doha Qatar and in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia both as a waiter. The last time i embarked on board to work there was on October of 2019 i embarked in Savona Italy. I can say to it that i'm very lucky to have a job in a cruise ship industry because the salary is much bigger than my others job and i'm enjoying my job and aside from that i have the privilage to travel the world for free as perks in working in a cruise ship industry that's why it's very nice to be a seafarer but being to be able to work there is not always good life. As in my personal experience you have to work 12 to 14 hours a day no days off that's why every day is Monday while you are on board.

And also the when the ship encounters a bad weather whew! imagine a very rough sea situation the ship is swinging left and right, up and down that's why even the most experienced person working on board will surely vomit. So i can say that you are not in a good situation while you are working on a cruise ship because anything can happen in a blink of an eye that's one reason why the salary of working here is much bigger than other jobs because of the hazard of working here. Until you not finish you're contract you cannot be feel safe but everything will be okay as long as you enjoy every moment and just always pray in our GOD which i'll always do and everything will be alright.

So what the covid19 effect or do that change my life? Very big effect on my life that mostly the effect was on my financial status of my family. As i was mentioned i embarked my next contract on board last October of 2019 that supposed to end July of this year of 2020 but because of the pandemic effect caused by the covid19 disease i did not able to finish my contract and end it because my ship that time stop operation and i was send back home to my country here in the Philippines last April 5 and go direct to the hotel as to go the mandatory 14 day quarantine held by our government.

I finish the quarantine and find out negative result of the covid test and now i'm here with my family in our home. The situation for me and family is very hard now because i'm already 2 months here and no income coming and my money that i was able to bring home by working on board is almost finished. And no scheduled when to comeback working again on board until there is no vaccine for the covid19.

I can say that life is hard nowadays not just for me and my family but for everybody here in the Philippines and all over the world that covid19 ruins their plan on life because of the virus too many peoples lost their jobs and some business was forced to closed. But i will not give up this is only a trial for me and my family that's why i decided to search some legits site online on how to earn moneythrough internet and i'm very happy that i found this website read cash as one of my side job to earn extra money online and aside from that my wife is baking some pastries and cake and we are selling online . So to all the members here in read cash let's all fight covid19 and be safe everyone. GOD BLESS US ALL!

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Avatar for Annthony18
4 years ago


It's good to know that you came back safe here in the Philippines. I too am working in a cruise line but as cruise specialist. We are the one who did the booking. Still trying to sell cabins just so we can keep our jobs. It's hard though. The cruise industry was put on halt because of this covid. All our cruise was cancelled since mar 14 until sept. Which is very alarming. I hope you get to get back to your job on the cruise ship. God bless you and your family.

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4 years ago