Historical Pandemics of the World

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Avatar for Annthony18
4 years ago

In Today's situation of the world that all the people are battling maybe the greatest situation in their life now because of the pandemic brought by the covid19 disease that some believed that it all started in some public market in Wuhan, China is maybe you or some people think that this pandemic is the most worse or more victims than the other epedimic like AIDS and Ebola Virus especially now that the pandemic already have tested more than 9 million people world wide but this is not.

As we go back to history the most casualties recorder struck by an outbreak of an pandemic is which was called THE BLACK DEATH which take place between 1346 to 1353 it affected Africa, Europe and Asia. It was believed to be started as a plague most likely via the fleas from rats that was living aboard merchant ships. The ports major urban centers that was the perfect breeding grounds by rats fleas that spread the insidious bacterium flourished.

Another disease outbreak that marks in the history of the world is the sixth cholera pandemic that happened between 1910 until 1911. It' death toll rises to over 800,000 plus which first started in India before it spreads to North Africa, Russia, Middle East and Eastern part of the Europe although the pandemic brought by the cholera is over it is still a constant disease in India.

And last that i will mention here is the disease that was really massive in the last 100 years before this corona virus outbreak hits the world last 2019. This is written in the history as the Flu Pandemic or which popular known as the Spanish Flu which happen between 1918 up to 1920. A very scary outbreak of influenza which infected all over the world almost 3/4 of the world population at that time and ending the lives of roughly more than 20 to 50 million all across the globe. It was first happened in Europe, in the United States and some part of Asia and then it continued to spread all over the world. That time they don't have effective medicine the killer flu so just like the corona virus the people are wearing mask to slow the spread of the virus and they make also some lockdowns on almost every countries and places. Whew! imagine that compare to what we are experiencing right now i think this will not happen in this covid19 issues because of more advanced technology that we have right now and we will make a vaccine to stop it once in for all. So let's all be safe guys and always pray. God Bless Us All!

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Avatar for Annthony18
4 years ago


Advancement in technology have been of greater assist in fighting today's pandemic

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4 years ago

Yes you said it right bro we are still lucky compared to other generation or time that they were attacked by the disease or pandemic because as you can see the spread of the disease at that time is very fast not compare today that at least we have a time to slower or lessen the spread of the disease until we don't have a vaccine i think that is the positive way of the social media nowadays to be aware of the pandemic.

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4 years ago


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4 years ago


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4 years ago

Nice article shared bro

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4 years ago

thanks bro i just inspired to share this article because of what the situation we are having right now not only in our country but all over the world, I just hope that this pandemic that we are experiencing right now will not be more effect to people and i hope that this will stop already that we can a find a virus to stop it all.

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4 years ago

Yes, hopefully it will stop very soon

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4 years ago