Health Benefits of Ginger

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Avatar for Annthony18
3 years ago

In these times of pandemic our health has put in a lot of danger by the spreading of the corona virus, and also in these times just even you got a symptoms of this virus just like coughing, flu and fever that if you go to hospital they would probably consider you having positive to the virus. So in this article i will share to you some tips on how to maintain our health in this home remedies by the use ginger and what are it's benefits we can get from it.

Ginger is one of the most delicious and nutritious spices, it is a flowering plant that originated in China. It was known as a natural medicinal plant that has been using for a long period of time ago. It also one of the spices that Filipinos are always using because of it's taste and aroma that gives a special taste to the foods. You can make it fresh, dried, powdered, oil or even make it as a juice. Next are some of the good healthy benefits of ginger for our health.

  • Ginger have a substance that is called gingerol, that contains powerful medicinal properties. The taste and smell of ginger is coming from it's natural oils which one of them is the gingerol. It is also the main bio active compound t=which have powerful medicinal properties, like anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that our body needs.

  • It is an effective medicine for nausea or like morning sickness of pregnant women. Based on the study taking an amount of 1-1.5 grams of ginger can help to prevent different kinds of nausea, such as sea sickness, chemotherapy-related nausea that cause from surgery and morning sickness of pregnant women. But though it is a natural herbal medicinal plant, it is likely advice to consult first for your doctor before you take an bigger amount of it especially when you are pregnant. And based on the belief of others taking a large amount of ginger can cause to miscarriage.

    • It helps to prevent inflammation and muscle pains. One study shows that consuming 2 grams of ginger a day in span of 11 days, can helps to lessen the muscle pain of a person. It may not be able to be effective very fast but it can surely lessen the inflammation of the muscles that cause from exercising.

    • The inflammatory effects of ginger also helps for people who have osteoarthritis. There is one study that shows one benefits of ginger that was mix in mastic,sesame oil and cinnamon is effective to remove the pain of stiffness that caused by osteoarthritis when you spread it on your skin.

    • Ginger has a powerful anti-diabetic properties. One of the most amazing benefits of ginger that we could get from it is it could lower our blood sugar levels in our body that also lowers the risk of a heart disease.

    • Ginger also cure the chronic indigestion and other related stomach discomfort. The chronic indigestion is a disease that usually back and forth in the upper part of our stomach. It is because of the slow digesting of foods in our stomach that also cause the delayed bowel movements.

    • Ginger is also effective as pain reliever to dysmenorrhea. Consuming one gram of ginger powder everyday on the first three days of menstruation of a women can relieve the pain that causes by dysmenorrhea, such like the effect of mefanamic acid and ibuprofen could do based on one study.

    • Ginger also lowers the cholesterol level of our body. In one 45 study that specialist made an 85 people who had a higher cholesterol in their body they discover that consuming 3 grams of ginger powder causes significant reduction of cholesterol markers in our body.

    • Ginger has a great substance that could prevent of having the disease of cancer. It is also consist of 6-gingerol substance that have anti cancer properties that could use as a medicine for pancreatic cancer, breats cancer and ovarian cancer.

      • And also ginger improves our brain function and it regularly consuming it protects us from having a Alzheimer's disease. One study have been made to 60 middle aged women that said ginger extract enhances the brain function of the brain by improving the reaction time and working memory of it.

So that it is for my article about the health benefits of ginger that we could get from it, i hope it helps you especially in these times of pandemic that we should take care of our health. Thank you and keep safe everyone.

$ 3.14
$ 3.14 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Annthony18
3 years ago


Good one

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nice article

$ 0.00
3 years ago

good information, keep it up dear friends

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you so much i hope it helps you on some home remedies.

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3 years ago