Happy Father's Day

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Avatar for Annthony18
4 years ago

First of all before i start this article of mine I'd like to say a pleasant good morning to all of you here in read cash website especially on this community thank you for having me here. A late greetings of Happy Fathers Day to all of the Father here in Read Cash.

I wrote this article to share this story of my self that i'm experiencing right now since the title of this community is Motivation i choose this community to published my article and i hope and pray that i will be approved by the owner of this community and the moderators.

To start with my story i want to introduce first my self to all of you I'm Anthony A Filipino Citizen 36 years old, I currently working as a seafarer on COSTA CROCEIRE a cruise ship company under Carnival Corporation I worked there as a laundryman. I started my career working in the company way back 2014.

Last year in the month of October I embarked on the Ship Costa Diadema to start again a new contract because usually our contract there is 8 months of working on board and then 3 months of vacation on my country. Every thing goes well sa time goes by smooth sailing of the new contract even though working on board is i can say very very though job because aside working far away from your family is the fact that you have to face the consequences working in the middle of the sea the bad weather as i can say you don't what will happen to you and cannot be calm and steady until you finish your contract and finally going home and the working hours of 10 to 12 hours a day with out days off. All of that is nothing to me already because i used to it already just to think that i have to do it and sacrifice just to give a better future for my family. Everything is okay untill this covid19 disease came through and hit the whole world by storm and because of teh pandemic effect our operations stop. Instead of my contract that supposed to finished on july, i go home early because our company operations is widely affected. I got home last April 5 and direct from the airport we gone through a 14 day mandatory quarantine in a hotel provided by the government. I finished my quarantine and thankful to GOD that im negative in Covid19 test.

Now already more than 2 months here in my home together with my family and still with out a schedule when to come back on board for my working schedule maybe untill there is no vaccine for covid19 . My motivation for me now is how i can survived my family in our everyday needs, what we will eat and for the payments of our monthly utility bills on how or where to get the money for the expenses . So my wife just do baking now and selling here items online and i'm the one delivering all the others by our customers by the use of my motorcycle. And also i surf hunting through legit site like this read cash to earn also some extra money online. My family is my motivation i will do what ever it takes just to provide all their needs and by the help of GOD i know the we can make it and everything will be okay. Thank you so much for the time you spent on reading my article GOD bless us all!

$ 0.02
$ 0.02 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Annthony18
4 years ago
