Happy 42nd birthday in heaven Kobe Bryant

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4 years ago

Today is August 23, 2020 that supposed to be a special day on the life of the basketball superstar and legend Kobe Bryant if not he did not passed away by an helicopter crash accident last January 26 together with his daughter Gigi and nine other people aboard his personal helicopter. So many people crushed hearts on that incident not only Kobe's fans but the whole community of the NBA and basket lover all over the world especially those people who witnessed on how he played the game of basketball.

On my personal side i really don't idolized Kobe when he is playing my idols of course is Michael Jordan and his long time rival and batch mate of their famous batch 1996 NBA Draft Class but when i heard the news that day on the internet that he passed away at a very young age and at a very tragic event that also kills her daughter GiGi i just noticed that my eyes are flooding in tears that i wast hurt on what happened on Kobe and that i realized how Kobe is very good inside and out side of the basketball court that that day on his accident the whole world maybe is suffering on his lost.

And as the whole NBA Community pay respects for his loss make a tribute for him as i remember what they did is for whole 1 week they made it Kobe week as all the teams that played on the whole week make and put their jersey numbers 8 and 24 and number 2 also for Gigi. And also make special tribute day for him before his funeral on the Staples center that become his second home that all the superstarts of the game attended. Now as the NBA play off resumes on the bubble his former team the Los Angeles Lakers are contending for a championship run and superstar LeBron James promise this Championship for Kobe we will see if this happens but for now happy Birthday Kobe in heaven.

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Avatar for Annthony18
4 years ago


Happy birthday black mamba

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4 years ago

Happy Birhday Black Mamba. Miss you <3

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4 years ago

forever he will be missed in our hearts and in the hearts of every basketball lovers in the world mamba forever!!!!!!

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4 years ago

Happy bday cobybryan

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4 years ago