Change Career

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Avatar for Annthony18
4 years ago

In this situation of the world today that we are experiencing are very hard for everybody because of the pandemic brought by the covid19 virus, too many company companies have closed, lots of peoples have lost their job, stock markets are down that really affects the economy all over the world.

And it gives a lot of depression and some get anxiety of thinking too much on what will happen for their future and their family. And worse cases some people around the world have tried to end their lives which is really unacceptable to do that for me having live in this pandemic era is not the end of the world, as for you must take it a challenge on your personality and traits and don't give up on it.

For me as a person experience all of this having lost my job as an OFW who did not able to finish my contract and go home to the Philippines due to the virus have brought danger to our health. My job as a seafarer is i consider as one of the high paying jobs but because all of a lot of risk that consider it while working on board. So that know that i don't having an income coming on my pocket and also don't have an schedule to comeback on board to work again which i think will last until the vaccine for the virus is already present.

I asked my self what should i do? Where did i get the money to provide my family needs for everyday food and necessities? And then i speak to my self that i have to do something until my last money is finished so me and my wife started to bake and cook some foods actually her specialty and then we tried to post online and sell it and then it works some people ordered from us and i'm the one delivering it to the customers, and then after we got some resellers who ordered bulk orders from us.

So i advice and motivates especially all the people here in read cash to don't stop fighting on life because of the pandemic brought on our economy we must face it as a challenge in life that at the end we are the one who will be winning this battle. And don't be afraid to try something new or what we said a change of career for ourselves even if you lose your jobs try to make different things and one of the best is to enter business even if it is small for now don't worry because everything starts fro small the important thing is you don't be afraid to try and do new things just to survived in this pandemic situation that we all experiencing right now.

$ 0.04
$ 0.04 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Annthony18
4 years ago
