Benefits of walking after every meal

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Avatar for Annthony18
3 years ago

After you finish eating what does you usually do? What usually a lot of people do after eating is just sit around, just lying around on the couch watching television, but this is not actually god mostly in our health, much better is to do is rest at least five minutes, then after 5 minutes of rest you should walk around at least stand up and do a rounds of walking slowly slowly at least for ten minutes, i did not mean for you to go jogging but much better is walk a little after eating. I'am saying it because it has benefits and in my article i will discuss to you these helpful benefits that you should know and after knowing it i hope you should try it.

According to some professor of Exercise Science of George Washington University it has a lot of studies already. Mostly to those people who are diabetic, obesity problems, with high blood and high blood sugar after you eat a meal usually what happens in a normal body of a person the blood sugar is getting high in one to two hours. So when it gets high this is not a good condition that could destroy our body condition. So how we can lower the blood sugar? It does not easily get rid of medicine especially when you are not taking some. So after you eat walk around slowly slowly about ten to fifteen minutes base on the study if we walk around after we eat at least we are standing so will not get baby fats. Because when we are walking are body is moving and it gets mild to moderate exercise what willl happen the glucose the sugar will be used by our muscles. So when our body use the sugar our blood sugar will get lower. So our organ will not be damage. So walking slowly is the best exercise even only at least fifteen minutes the more chance we avoid of getting high blood sugar.

Another benefits it bring is to have better digestion in our body, you are not constipated and better bowel movement and it also lowers our acids inside our body, the indigestion and heartburn. For example we just finish eating a meal and we eat to much then after we lying down or we sit directly so what will happen is the food cannot be digested, but when we stand and walk our intestine moves faster much faster we can digest the food in our stomach so it will not go up. It is actually called the "post meal walk" it does not says to do jogging what it says is just is to walk slowly which can also lowers the cholesterol. And one thing more based on the studies our blood sugar usually raises high in the evening. Because it says that in the evening people's usually eat a lot, then after eating direct to sit on the couch or goes to the computers are the time a lot of people gets fat and gets a lot of kind of sickness. So in the night much better after taking dinner it is more good to stand and walk around slowly slowly so that at least the blood sugar is not very high, you are helping your body to lower the blood sugar, to digesting, to move the intestine. And also studies show that vigorous exercise after meal is not advice. Lets you just finished a meal and you exercise a lot your blood is going to your muscles. And if that's happen the blood in your stomach are missing and could not digest the food so better only little and slowly walk is enough.

And to one thing that there is a saying that you will get appendix if you run or walk after every meal this is all wrong belief. Just walk at least ten to fifteen minutes if you want more time much better it depends on how your body can copped up. And lastly also based on the studies and lots of research around the world, your walk of ten to fifteen minutes after a meal is much more benefits you could get from it compare to walking 45 minutes, 3 hours after eating and that is a fact. I hope you learn something on this article of mine and it could help you in your daily life.

$ 1.24
$ 1.24 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Annthony18
3 years ago


Another benefits it bring is to have better digestion in our body, you are not constipated and better bowel movement

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks for this

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You are much welcome.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I've also heard from doctors that walking 15 minutes after eating can help burn calories so that the food we eat does not completely accumulate as fat.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes and it has really a lot of good benefits that our body can get from doing it. And i will practice it now everyday especially in these times of pandemic that we should need to be healthy.

$ 0.00
3 years ago