Balance in life are Blessings

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Avatar for Annthony18
3 years ago

In these times of pandemic me and family have been really hit big time as i lost my job on board temporary and affected our financial status as I'am the only one who brings income to our family since i said to my wife to quit her job once she gives birth to our eldest children. And now it is almost six months since I was repatriated and go back home in the Philippines.

In the first couple months of my vacation now everything is just normal because usually my because duration is like that 2 months and 3 months is the most longer time. But after this months i think and wondered what will happen to me and my family especially in our financial matters, i wondered what if the pandemic is still took place in more period of time? And that my work situation is still on the hang. And that no money or income is coming in all is going out side which I'am so blessed and thankful to GOD that even though the situation is very difficult at these times we still have a money in our pocket and can still eat at least three times a day unlike other people who doesn't have anything that could not afford to pay rent of their house and buy foods for their children especially those Jeepney drivers who stopped their work same like me and just asking money on the streets and i said to my self that I don't want to experience that and to my family.

So i just pray and kneel to GOD that night and hoping for his guidance that give me strength to overcome all these trials and challenges that my family and i are experiencing. And then on the next morning i was invited by a friend of mine and introduce me this website of read cash and said to me that it could help me at least for my problems and as he know that i have an aspiration to write so i tried it and for 3 months now my friend is right and now that I'am enjoying every moment that i was in the site as it helps me also financially.

So on that day i started to focus on money making online on some various mobile applications and here in read cash and answering survey that paid real cash those two are my main source of income now and beside that my wife has a mini food business which i help him also on that.

I just noticed that GOD is very good and smart that he will never give you a problem that you cannot solved as me and my family now is earning even though far away and have a big difference from my earnings on board at least we have now a source of income for survival until these pandemic is over and went back to normal. But there is always a balance in GOD'S blessings as i noticed in the past couple of days as my earnings in read cash has blossomed to at least $1 and up each day and i have someone up vote one of my article with $1 but my earnings in some other mobile applications have gone down like before that my earning from there is very high while in read cash is just normal it really has always a balance in every blessings that we get in life. Maybe GOD do that so we will not be obsessed on having a too much blessings. So one thing i learn in life and i will teach my children and future grandchild to always be thankful to every blessings that we got in life.

$ 0.79
$ 0.79 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Annthony18
3 years ago


Pelias give me two $ d doieal,
Pelias give me

$ 0.00
3 years ago

What bro sorry but i cannot understand what you are trying to say to me?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Give me something $ you to

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You are right that god gives us those problems which are soluble not those which are non is the basic need of every one's life.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes i believe to that every problems that we are encountering right now is just a challenge for us from GOD that the solution is just in our self and for us also to solve that problems we must seek guidance from him and always pray for him to guide us especially when we feel that the problem is getting bigger than us.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes money play an important role in our life , without money we cannot buy any single thing and we face a lots of problems.............

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes money is important but for me i think the most important in life is finding the happiness on what you are doing or a person that makes you happy and feel contented as money cannot buy happiness.

$ 0.00
3 years ago