A Busy Day

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Avatar for Annthony18
4 years ago

How are you guys here in read cash hope you are all doing good and healthy. Today June 21, 2020 has been a very busy day for me as already in the evening all know i will interact here in read cash by writing this article of mine. When i came back home here in the Philippines last April 5 today is the first time again for me to report in our office for some paper and documentations on my up coming come back to work again on board.

But reporting to our office now is very different from the usual routine before when i was reporting that now there is a danger in pandemic that strikes the world until now. My home is from Quezon City while my office address was in Kalaw in Manila before to go there i just have to ride a public utility bus direct to our office, but today it takes me two rides just to get there first i ride a bus but only until Quezon Avenue because there is no direct routes for buses to go in Manila basically because of the pandemic situation that are happening now. So i just decided to ride a taxi to go direct to my office because i was almost late i paid to the taxi 250 pesos and from the first ride in the bus i payed 30 pesos a total of 280 pesos different from before that i only pay 50 pesos.

And as i arrived to Manila i went first to a medical clinic to tale a rapid test for covid19 which cost me 1,350 pesos because before i can report to our office i need to present a test results from covid and thanks to GOD the result was negative. And as i proceed to report in our office i was informed that i already have a scheduled of going back to work again on board in cruise ship on August 15, after my fleet manager asked me if i want to go on board in another ship on August 1 so that i don't need to pay for italian visa anymore that cost around 8+++ pesos because my current visa on my passport will expire on August 3 so i accept it and i'm just waiting for the confirmation tomorrow if i was approved to go on another ship on August 1 for me it's also a big favor for me because i will save money and instead of paying for a visa i will just spend the money on buying some stocks for my family and some important things to bring on board for my supplies.

And as i finished my reporting i go home direct with the feeling that i'm just counting again the remaining days i will stay here in the Philippines with my family, i have no choice but to go working again on board and leave my family here as i need to support their needs as i always said to my self that i can do it! i have to do it for my family. And as i finished this article of mine i just like to praised and say thanks to GOD for all the blessing me and my family always received from him, i hope also this pandemic will ends soon and all comeback to normal. Thanks for the time guys on reading this article of mine GOD BLESS US ALL!

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Avatar for Annthony18
4 years ago
