5 Exotic Pet Animals

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3 years ago

A bear taken care of humans, and any other wild and dangerous animals. Hi to all of you read.cash friends in this article i will share to you on some scariest and dangerous animals that some people used to have them as their pets, that should put their lives in danger. And for this i will share to you some of the five animals that you will surely avoid and not take care of them as your pets.

1. Monitor Lizards

Big Lizards are big carnivorous reptiles, that people are forcing to take care of even though they are very dangerous. They are very different from other lizards they grows from 8 to 15 feet. And even though they are in cage they still need a very large space to live properly. They have different habits as a pet, but you cannot avoid to be bite by them not only their sharp tooth and strong jaws are the reason of the loss of lives that the people they attacked because their saliva is full of bacteria that gives infection on their victims. Their bite can kill life of humans especially if not given medical treatment right away. That is why it was featured on Animal's Planet fatal attraction in where the reptile keeper whose name is Ron Hoff was bitten by the reptile that he only ignored then after get infected that leads to his death.

2. Snakes

A lots of people are taking care snakes and make them as their pets because a lot of them is not so dangerous. But this is different story if you take care of some snakes are deadliest and poisonous. This snakes are attacking without any reason they are also called hats, that needs experience and professional handler that are use to this kinds of snake because they are very dangerous. Even the copper snake that they are saying the most safest snake are still giving intense pain and sorrow when you were bitten by them. But even though a lot of people knows the big danger in taking care of venomous snake there are still a lot of people doing it even if they really don't know nothing on it. And maybe one of the reason because it is legal to do it in lots of other countries such in the United States which also you can sell snakes depends on which state you are. Also based on the recorded incidents of snake bites, this is only dangerous to all those taking of snakes. In 1990 until 2009 sixteen people already die because of snake bites to people have snakes as their pet.

3. Wild Cats

Big wild cats can manage to eat people, they are always featured in the news when they eat their handlers. Even though there is some incident that happens it is not always happen. Actually two times a year it happens in the United States, from 1990 until 2012 twenty one people was have already lost their lives because of the wild felines that usually playing but they are not well trained by their handlers the accident occur. Mostly tigers are the one who are attacking the humans because tiger have the most numbers of wild cats that has been captured.

4. Bears

Even though they are very cute, bears are very dangerous they are very smart and fast. Bears are strong like Big Cats and they also like meat, But bears also have an interest on approaching to humans, actually there is a lot of number of cases of bears breaking in to the houses of people. This is the reason why it is very big concerned the bears that escaped to the public compared to other big cats that are not prone to human. The species of bear that usually make as a pet are called Black Bear but also they are ones of the reasons for bare human attacks. Almost all of their victims are their trainer or the ones who are taking care of them. They usually attack when people are cleaning their cage or surroundings. Just like Brent Candra who attempt to clean the cage of a bear on August 2010, and he died in just a young age of 24 when he was attacked by that bear.

5. Chimpanzee

They can eat what ever kind of foods. laugh when was been tickling and can use body language. The chimpanzee are the most dangerous exotic pets in the world. They are biting, scratching and attacking. This animals are not really domesticate they have complex cognition or have much higher ability to understand things on their surroundings. That is why they are lots of incident of their kinds escaping in the zoo. Because they also know how to use door knobs and to remove locks. But only not their being smart are their weapons in this world, but also their extra ordinary strength and sharp tooth are one of those weapons of the chimpanzee. They became more dangerous when they are the age of 6 to 7 years old. They are attacking by biting some body parts of humans, not always because of their aggression but because they are playing with their victims. Usually their owners are their victim. If you think that only damage that the chimpanzee could do to you, they said on 2011 one female worker has lost her 3 fingers after two chimpanzee attacked her. Before that a pet chimpanzee whose name is Sueko have escaped and break in to a couple of houses and have destroyed a wind shield of one police car.

Because of the danger it cause of these animals on our lives it is much better to just let them live in their natural habitat. How about you my dear read.cash friend can you manage to handle to make this animals as your pets or there are other exotic animals that you want them as pet comment down below and lets talk about it. That is it for my article thank you and keep safe everyone.

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Avatar for Annthony18
3 years ago


Wow great dude really great animals and cute animals i love animalsπŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°

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3 years ago

good information , carry on i always stay with you

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Thank you so much it is very kind of you I am very flattered on your comment.

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Welcome dear ,view my article

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