Full Time Mommy☺️

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Avatar for Annjim29
4 years ago

Hi.. Good day everyone 😊 I just wanted to share my experience as a full mom to my daughter ☺️ as a First timer mom.. I use research everything I need to know, or ask to somebody else. Just like when my baby got a rashes. I always ask what should I do, I should I put to heal it.. Or do I have to do this, do that. When she got sick, what medicine should I give it to her. I feel like never gonna be a perfect mom to her.. But I want to. But I can't. Will yeah.. Everybody is not perfect. But as a mom you will do everything for your kids.. Just like me, I wanted to go back to work but I can't cuz I'm afraid, I could get that virus or who will take care my baby.. It's really hard to decide when ever it's for your baby.. You always to be near them/her.. We always want to look at them, to take good care of them.. That is how, how much we love them. 😍😍😘

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Hi dear, Welcome to read.cash. I hope you have fun here. It sounds to me you can use some.

No, you will never be a perfect mom but no mother will be. The most important thing for a child is to know you love it. That doesn't mean you can never have a bad day, shed a tear, or ask for some time for yourself.

No matter what you do you need to pick up your life. We all get sick one day, children too but the Coronavirus hardly infects children. A part of the people is immune, those who had it are by now too and the good news is outside the chance to be infected is close to zero. Just let no one cough into your face or spit at you (always disgusting).

I wish you a great time. Perhaps you like to join the community Parenting and read there some info you like as well. 🍀💕

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4 years ago