Our situation now

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Avatar for Anne07
Written by
4 years ago

How are you toda? I hope you are fine..

Im sad to all of peopple are have manny problem now cause the Covid 19 pandemic..

Any company diside to fired any employed cause the bangcraft situation. . And the employed are can't fine a new work..

Restaurant are closed and the workers are not have a work now.. Try to find another company but still nothing to want a new employer now..

Our country is a Have a Problem now Bangcraft and covid are there to.. Why all of this are come to all of Nation?.. Why all of People Suffering.? Why all of this come to our life?..

Aim emotional this time.. Im so sad to a news every day.. There's no have a good news,, the covid virus are not gone.. And have manny affected Erea..

God Please help Us.. And protect our family to any kind of Virus.. Give us strong Boddy and mind to think right..

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God will help us. Please don't be sad. We are coming out of it soon.

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4 years ago

Do you know what is the good thing that is happen to you today? It is you still have breath of Life , so be thank ful for this and be happy for that.

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4 years ago