Another Lockdown! Will it reduce the spread....

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Written by
3 years ago

I have came back in this platform after many days! Last time when i started to write it was in the lockdown! And now another lockdown is on our way! 😒 But will it be enough to stop the massively spreading virus!

In my country, I don’t think that lockdown is helping in any way to stop the deadly virus. Many of the people Doesn't believe that there is anything named CORONA!! Really! How can you guys think of that... Don’t you see how people is dying, don’t you hear the heart-rending cry of the affected people! So what is the problem to stay safe wear mask! The main problem is educational lackings!

Recently i saw a post that made me cry... See for yourself guys.

Doesn't this things make you sad! Doesn't this thing make u think about your family! I don’t know what we have in our near future!

Now let me show u guys when the whole world is trying to be safe from this virus! Our country is taking medical admission tests! Everyday many political campings is happening! Thousands of people are gathering in this political camping! Then tell me how can we survive!

May Allah help us all! Pray for our country. We hope that we will overcome this deadly virus one day.. Stay safe stay home

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Written by
3 years ago
