Hiring: Communication/marketing channels

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3 years ago

Ideas (or what to do and make our lives easier in the future?):

*written from an Employer Branding enthusiast perspective working in Belgrade, Serbia

Employer Branding Expert hiring

Hire a person interested in many different fields, passionate about the digital marketing and curious about new trends in the industry, eager to explore the organisation structure potentials and our target group. Additionally, dedicate to both, internal and external Employer Branding (approx. 60%-40% ratio) and tackle the challenges of your current employees.

Dedication in the field of Employer Branding would reduce the costs of a single hiring campaign by a constant market research of the trends in Serbia (opposed to the European and world trends), constant learning in this dynamic field, strong cooperation with the marketing, communications and HR team. State holder management is not the same for everyone and not everyone in the company has the same expectations, understanding and time dedicated to the issue. Having one person in charge of the Employer Branding in the future, focusing only on it with Employer Branding Expert as their primary role would be highly beneficial for the culture and operations of the company. Since Employer Branding is still in its beginner development phase in our country (Serbia) and our region, implementing it would position our company as an innovative employer, benefit the company identity and have longterm results. EB would take the reality of our company and the perception about our company up to the next level.

The following paragraph refers to tech talent acquisition, but it can be applied in the Google Ads field as well:

’’In the hyper competitive developer market, building a strong tech talent brand is an underrated strategy to garner more self-selected candidates into your talent funnel. This entails building public-facing assets, like engineering blogs, securing conference speaking opportunities, and creating a local community around the product you’re building. Some of the best tech companies, like Stripe, Slack, and Twilio have brands that developers love. Strong tech talent branding is a long-term investment. The stronger the brand, the more organic applicants you get, and the easier it is to attract talent in the future. The success of a strong tech talent brand is more dependent on engineering than recruiting; and yet, recruiters are almost twice as likely to invest in tech talent branding than hiring managers. There’s an opportunity to educate hiring managers on the merits of tech talent branding.’’ – HACKERRanks Tech Recruiting Report 2018.

$ 0.05
$ 0.05 from @gertu13
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3 years ago
