Kept dreaming continue reaching.

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Avatar for Angge22
2 years ago

February 22, 2022


Article #1

This will be my first article as I joined in this platform which was introduced by my eldest sister @Zhyne06 . I am amazed how she able to keep going in here and she told me she was so blessed joining this platform. So, I am here to join the family she kept on telling us as the blessing for her and her family.

I will share to you my thoughts and want to express my feelings also. At this moment, I am so sad of things and I want to be part of this platform as my sister told me that this platform helped her with his anxiety and depression coz she learned and found friends in here. Also, she able to learned from her friends also.

There are questions that I will answer. I always kept asking this myself.

The dream that until now I keep pushing to achieve.

My biggest dream in life is to finish my studies and to become a professional teacher someday just like my eldest sister. When I finished my high school last year 2015, I wasn't able to go to college after because my parents financial support is not enough as my father's income was quite not enough for our basic needs. That is why I decided to find ways. I used my skill that I learned from my Ate @Zhyne06 and when I was in high school. I am doing nail art design. My Ate taught me how to do manicure and pedicure, but she doesn't know how to do nail art. Maybe she knew but she didn't practiced. I then able to learned how to be thrifty and hardworking.

Four years after, year 2019, I continued my studies but sad as I need to enroll in Senior high school because I can't enroll to college coz I was graduated from the old curriculum. I then enrolled to Grade 11 and my strand is Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMMS). At the age of 20 I was with students who was younger than me but still it didn't hindrance my passion to finish my study. I finished my Senior High School last year 2021. And I proudly say that I did my best as I able to maintain high grades and be a consistent honors.

Is there still any chance that I can reach my goals in life?

Why I asked this to myself? Well, I just want to answer this with bravery and optimism.

When I graduated Senior High School, I was told by my Ate to send my papers to her. I send all the paper requirements that I need to pass. I followed her as she was so eager for me to went college. I was not even expecting coz my brother was also in college. I am afraid that we can't make it both as we know that financial is not enough. But still we tried. We were excited to know the result. I was positive and same with ate coz she said my grades are high. But then , when the result came, we didn't saw my name on the list. I was dumbfounded and lost hope. My Ate contacted one of the administrator in the school and we learned that my paper was not complete as my grades during Senior high school was not there. My Ate reviews my sent photos and truth to be told that my Grade 12 grade was not there. And it's my fault coz I didn't reviewed. I thought my papers were complete since my adviser send the papers to me.

I was crying the whole night. My Ate was also was in tears about of pity. She then hugged me tight and kept telling me to be positive and there still a better opportunity. But I already loss hope that time. And I already have another option already, and that is continue my passion in nail art design. And then I decided to go home. I don't want to give burden to my Ate. I thought we were fine that time but she was mad at me because our sister told her some weaved stories which is not true. I accepted my ate's anger and never talked back coz I am afraid of her and I respected her. I am just glad that she already knew the truth when she went home. And now where in good terms. But we both don't trust our sister who likes to make stories of us. Even our brother was mad at her for being like that.

But even though I wasn't able to continue my studies for now, I kept praying and hoping that someday, I will reach my dream in the right time. I always put in mind not to regret everything coz I know someday, I will able to have those dreams in my hands. I will still keep pushing and reaching my goals as I really want to payback what my parents have done for me. I want to payback their sacrifices, supports, understanding and love that for me. My parents are the best gift for me. Even how I gave disappointment on them for some decisions in life that I made, I am so grateful having them in my life. And I always thanks God with that.

My biggest dream for my parents?

All I want for them is to be happy. I dream for them to have good life and enjoy it while they can. I am afraid of them getting old but I know we are all going there. That is why I kept praying that they're still healthy and kicking when I able to reach my dream. As their youngest daughter, I want to be one of their children who can change their status life. We have bad experiences in life as we were poor. Our relatives don't like us and they degraded us. But someday, I know they will accept us when we can show them that we already made it. And I am persistent to do my best to make that dream come true.

That's all for today. Thank you guys for having me around here. Have a nice day.

$ 3.00
$ 2.90 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.03 from @Chelle18
$ 0.02 from @BCH_LOVER
Sponsors of Angge22
Avatar for Angge22
2 years ago


Hello sis, igsuon d i mo ni Zhyne06. Keep going lang sis, makab ot ra na nimo ang imong mga dreams sa kinabuhi. Jumong inspirasyon ang imong pamilya ug Kana imong mga paryente na nag down nimo. Fighting lang

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ohh sis ahung ate si Ate zhyne ☺️ Bale ako y kamanghuran. Mao lage maningkamot. Unta buligan gihapon sa Ginoo kay naay giatubang karon lage. Pero fight lang ko ani

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Pray lang sis, ayaw kawala ug paglaum. Kitang tanan makaagi man jud ug kalisod sa kinabuhi pero ang importante nilaban gihapon ta ug di ta mawad an ug paglaum. Fight lang jud, Puhon makalingkawas ra ta sa kalisod

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Dae , ayaw pakawala sa paglaum magbisaya lang ko kay I know bisaya ka since tita nimo si Michelle, Basta isalig tanan sa ginoo mao ra jud na og welcome diay dinhi sa

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ayyy salamat ate. ☺️ Dako kaayong tabang na naa koy madungog na ingani na words. I know maglisud na ko ug kab-ot pero unta hatagan gihapon sa Ginoo ug panahon ug buligan gihapon.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

O oy basta salig lang niya dae kay same nako daghan nag trials naagian pero nakaya tanan.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Salamat ate sa mga good words nimu. ☺️ Makagaan kaayo sa paminaw.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Good luck po future Educator! You will achieve it soon. Aja!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Salamat sis. Sana nga ma achieve ko. ☺️

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh Mr potbelly his here with you with his big belly on the pot table . Welcome here a week back I started like you wishing you success 🤩🤩🤩🤩

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hello thank you for welcoming me. I also wish to both of us and all of us here to be successful someday.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Nice decision dae nga mo joine ka ani ,keep dreaming ,one day ma achieve ra nimo in GOD'S perfect time😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Mao lage tita. Puhon. Ningkamot lang ko ano. ☺️ Pero wa pay kuryente diri amo hahaha.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Keep dreaming! & Goodluck to your journey here in read cash. One week palang din ako dito actually haha enjoy.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Salamat. Hihihi sana nga e bless din gaya ng iba dito. ☺️ Good luck sa atin.

$ 0.00
2 years ago