It's August and our Fiesta is approaching and my little angel is coming soon

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1 year ago

Hello my fellow readers here, I wish that all are happy, blessed, well and fine. It is my first article for this month of August. I was not so active for the month of July due to important matters which I prepared all the things to be use for my delivery of my first baby this month. My due date is on August 18, 2022 and how time flies so fast as I imagined, it was last December 2021 when my little angel was one month on my womb and now I am so excited to see, hug, kiss my beautiful gift that I receive. I feel more intense about Braxton Hicks frequent, those likely to be more durable and more noticeable. And I think that it is approaching the birth of my child.

Before I continue my blog I just wanna share with you what are those preparations that our Barangay Captain and we the Sk Kagawad done since August month start.

As our Barangay Captain announced that we have a cleaning operations or what we called monthly voluntary in preparation in our upcoming fiesta this coming August 19-20, 2022 all the residents of our barangay are so supportive and cooperative.

We as the Sk Kagawad and all youths were also active. We also help to clean and organized all the things to be prepared for our upcoming fiesta celebration.

The youth and Sk Kagawad was united and assigned to clean the church. Some youths get the spider webs on the ceiling and others were cleaning inside and outside the parameters of our church. When our Barangay Captain arrived, he was so amazed that all youths and Sk Kagawad were hardworking and so determined. As we finished cleaning our church we went to our Barangay Gym.

The one who wore white T-shirt is our beloved ever supportive and encouraging brgy. captain

Our Barangay Captain was the one who leads to put a "trapal". By the way, our barangay gym was ruined after Typhoon Odette hits on our place and that was the imaged after the typhoon. Our barangay captain told some youths and Sk Kagawad boys to organized and put up trapal in order to have a temporary roof for our Barangay Gym because when our fiesta is approaching we were used to that there is basketball league tournament in our place. That is why all the boys here in our barangay are so excited. As they were finished putting up all the things our barangay captain thanked all the residents/people who gained and gave their time which voluntarily helped to make our upcoming fiesta celebration enjoyable and memorable even if there are lots of obstacles experienced last year 2021 but still we were hopeful and blessed.

Last July 31,2022 it was the day that the basketball league start. Even if I am pregnant I went to our barangay gym to watched the game to unleashed my boredom and especially to support and cheer my partner because my partner also joined the basketball tournament. When the game started, one of my friends beside me was cheering so loud that made her out of voice because the one who shot the ball was my partner and the words she cheer was " Go kuya, that is for ate and for your baby!" My partner only smiled and to tell you honestly he got it three points. My partner looked at me and winked me. I was then blushed on that moment and lot of people stares at me and also they felt "kilig" on that time. And mostly, even if our baby were still on my womb I felt that our baby was so happy and also cheered to his/her father. The game was so thrilling because the score were only half shot. Both side were cheering and supporting each team.

Closing Thought

A good leader always starts with yourself, how you respect yourself the way how you treat other people. I knew that it was not so easy being a leader in a barangay because I witnessed how hardworking, patience and understanding our barangay captain was. And I was so thankful that he was our barangay captain, even if their are some people were saying bad gossips about him but still he never give up instead, he still standing and made our barangay at peace and unity.

Before I go, I just wanna share with you what are those things that made my day today happy and thankful.

These were the flowers which catched my attention while I and my partner strolling around a while ago at this morning. We went downstairs to have my early walking exercised because two weeks and two days left and our half of our life will coming soon in this beautiful world. We were both excited to see our best blessings. And also today, we are celebrating our nine years and two months of togetherness.

Until here my fellow family. I was not already done preparing all the needs of my upcoming baby, their are lots of things are not still organize and inadequate but still, I am continue grinding for my baby.

To my likers, subscribers, commentators, supporters, and for those upvoted tips. I really, really appreciated it a lot. Thank you as always.

God bless us all and more powers. Take care and have a wonderful, fruitful and productive Tuesday morning/noon to all of us.

"Break a leg!" and never give up. Continue reaching and keep dreaming our success will come soon together with our hardworks and patience and mostly, our determination and perseverance that we can.

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💕 Love_Angge22😘

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1 year ago


Hala hapit naman diay ka manganak dae ,ayeh mogawas na si baby diay🤗

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1 year ago

Hapit na gyud tita,,, excited nga dalang kuba...hehehehe

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1 year ago