Be contented and thankful for the food that served on the table

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2 years ago
Article #42 June 09,2022

Hello my encouraging and inspiring fellow family, how's your Thursday night going on? I hope that all are well and grateful.

All of us have different aspects and status in life. Some are rich and some are poor. But despite of this kind of situation, we must then thankful and grateful that we received everyday a blessings even if it is small of big amount.

Ako laki ako sa hirap, Yes! I am proud of it at hindi ko kinakahiya. My father is a carpenter and also a farmer and my mother is a housewife but I am thankful and blessed that they are my parents, why? Because even if we are not abundant in money but we are abundant of love and respect to each other. I am not ashamed telling you that my father only finished his study at highschool level and my mother also on elementary level pero kahit ganoon, pinalaki kaming apat na magkakapatid with manners and respect. They taught us how to appreciate and how to give value of the food they served everyday on our table.

As a daughter, everytime I glanced to my parents I want to cry in front of them because I felt pity for them for knowing that they are so tired and kept hiding those actions and they were just keep telling me that "we are okay" even it's not. I am blessed that they are my parents, even if they were strict sometimes but they only do this in order for my safety. No parents wants their children put on danger.

When my mother served this food on our table I was so happy and thankful because I am so blessed that there were foods to be eaten. When my father remembered that I can't eat squid because I am allergic he felt pity for me but I only smiled to my father and told him, "it's okey Pa if I can't ate squid meron namang sinabawang malunggay". I am so thankful because even we are poor,we were able to eat three times a day. And I must be then happy and contented why? Because not all people can ate three times a day and others also were just wasting the food because for them they can buy because they were rich.

I learned from my parents to become thrifty and give value of food because nakita ko kung gaano sila naghirap and being a harworking para lang mabuhay at mabigyan ng magandang kinabukasan ang pamilya. Even they get wounds and sometimes not feeling well but still they work hard para lang may maihanda sa hapagkainan.

I know how hard they suffer to get their children to have a beautiful life we/I must then give them a return, not literally for money but parents only wants is love, respect and appreciation from their children.

Closing Thought

Tayong mga anak, huwag nating pilitin na paghandaan tayo ng masasarap o bonggang pagkain na ihahanda sa hapagkainan. We must be happy and contented of what they served on the table, huwag na tayong maghanap ng iba pang putahi kung alam naman nating na yan lang ang makakayang ihanda ng ating magulang. We must be thankful for them. Don't be shy that our parents will have a dirty hands, rugged clothes and smell stinky because of the sweat when they got home kasi lahat ng ginawa nila ay sa malinis na paraan at todo sakripisyo mabuhay lang ang pamilya.

Until here my fellow readers, thank you for reading.

Just keep on fighting and never surrender.

To my likers, commentators, subscribers and for those upvoted tips thank you so much and I appreciated it a lot.

Sponsors of Angge22

And to my sponsor, thank you as always for your encouragement, for those motivation.

God bless us always and more powers.

💕 Love_Angge22😘

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2 years ago


Camote please😁 Yes mao jud ni perme isultu sa akong ginikanan sauna dae.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Mao jd tita... Maski isa kabuok lugas sa bugas kailangan dli usikan.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Kahit na anong nakahaing pagkain din saamin, kinakain namin. Lucky enough na may foods na kakainin. Di naman pwede na lagi nalang masarap ang pagkain eh.

$ 0.00
2 years ago


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2 years ago