An SK Kagawad and a Frontliner Volunteer

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Avatar for Angge22
2 years ago
Article #32 May 13,2022

Good morning my family here, today is a great day ahead and it's friday the 13th. I hope that all are well and fine. Let us treasure the new adventure of another day that we are still and alive.

Yesterday I was not able to create and publish another article because I was a little bit busy and there was so important matter to do. I and my mother together with my niece went to city yesterday because my mother have a check up and to have an x-ray on her chest. I wish that the result is fine in order for me to not worry about. Before we went to the clinic we first visit the statue of Mother Mary of Assumption Shrine.

Because of my eagerness to know how many steps before we reach at the top, I count the steps and it almost 253 steps if I am not wrong. It made my thighs and feet numbed but its worth it. Well so much for that.

My experienced being an SK Kagawad is so challenging one why? A lot of tasked to be done even our Sk Chairman is around but I was the one who will be assigned to lead all the things to do by the order of our Barangay Captain, well because it is also my job to follow what was our Barangay Captain told to us I didn't refused to him. One of our rules as an Sk Kagawad is to be a role model of youth. We were the one who will be the first to make a move like cleaning the surroundings in our barangay. We separated all biodegradable, non-biodegradable and reusable things to its proper places. As an Sk Kagawad is not quite easy as what you think, a lot of people will criticize your strength and some of youths were hard-headed. Patience and understanding is the most important thing to do to handle this kind of job or duty.

Those pictures above were captured last 2018, we were preparing and put some banderitas because on that month our fiesta will arrived. We helped each other in order to finished early, even how tired we are but still we can't deny that we are satisfied and happy in our doings.

Being a Frontliner Volunteer was so nervous and a challenging one. A lot of people told me that why did I accepted this kind of risky tasks?, and they also told me that I was the who put myself in danger. When Covid-19 aroused in our area, a lot of people was in panic. We experienced ECQ(Enhance Community Quarantine) it was the hardest part we encountered because we were just staying inside our houses. No one can go out each member of the family without the Community Quarantine Pass.

Why did I voluntarily volunteered as a Frontliner in our barangay? Because I want to help and serve those people who needs my help without expecting any return. I knew that being a frontliner is a risky thing and I might put myself into danger. I knew that coronavirus is a contagious and can kill myself but I did not think that thing but instead, I pray and have faith in to our Almighty Father and guided me for the things I entered without hesitation that I accepted this kind of duty because it is my willingness to serve and self-confidence that even in my younger age I can help other people. I didn't made it in order for other people to be amazed by me and to become famous but instead, it is a great thing that I experienced how to share and love to serve other people. It was not easy to be in this kind of job, it is so hot especially when you wore the thick PPE uniform. Even it is a tiring I was happy and contented and mostly, I was satisfied on my doings.

Ending Thoughts

I was so happy on that time that I served and distribute my willingness to accept those kind of job even in a simple act of kindness I learned how to give important and give value for those memories. I was so glad that I didn't not expect it into myself that I did it. To serve other people without expecting any return is so satisfying. By that time, I conquer my fears and a lot of people especially our barangay captain and mostly my parents was amazed and believed on my strength.

And I thank always to our Almighty Father that even how risky the tasks I entered still HE is their always beside me to guide and protect me out from danger.

Until here my fellow readers.

Thank you for reading and stopping on my article.

Before I forget, thank you as always my commentators,likers, subscribers and for those upvoted tips. I really appreciate it a lot. You are my inspiration and motivation to strive and grind more.

God bless us always and more powers. Take care always and have a great day ahead.

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$ 0.05 from @Codename_Chikakiku
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Avatar for Angge22
2 years ago


Di lalim ma sk kagaqad diay dae no,sauna gusto jud ko ma sk ba😅

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Labaw tita, basulon raba gjd ug apil labinag dli maminaw ang kauban..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Being an SK Kagawad is way harder than it looks, you are so tenacious and hardworking as a role model in your place how I wish our SK had the same personality as you do. Stay safe po and God bless

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you for your compliment @GelayyLumiere🤗 stay safe and God bless you too🙏

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's not easy to become an SK kagawad since the responsibility is there, you need to implement protocol and rules, you need to keep peace in the place and become a role model to the youth. I commend you for being a leader ate, I know you feel tired sometimes but I bet you enjoyed become a public servant.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you @Codename_Chikakiku🤗 yes it was but I enjoyed it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago