A way to Unleash Boredom and Sadness

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1 year ago
Article #04 month of April 2023

Good afternoon world and good afternoon to all of us, my fellow readcash family here. Have a wonderful and good weather to all of us. Another day to celebrate and more grind to pursue our dreams that we want to achieve and to be successful in life. Let this day full of positivity and more opportunities to come closer for us to grab on. Do not let negative thoughts and vibes ruin our beautiful Wednesday morning.

In our lives, it is inevitable that we feel tired, sad, homesick, and sometimes we are visited by anxiety or maybe depression, but we are still here on the surface of the world to continue to fight against all the challenges in life. And I admit that I am one of those people who are now visited by sadness and grief but here I am today continuing to fight and be strong for my son. In order to relieve the sadness that I am suffering now, while my son was sleeping I looked for something to distract myself and to take my mind off the sadness. I went out of the house and while observing the beauty of nature I could not stop taking pictures of the blooming and green flowers and plants that surrounds me.

Life is just like a flower, before its beautiful flowers bloomed they also experienced a drought which caused their flower to dry and its color faded. When it rains they wither. Their leaves are eaten by pests or parasites around them. Although they suffer many trials, they continue to bloom and add color to our environment. They remain strong and stand tall. Flowers and plants are like our lives, it needs care, nurture, love so that it can grow and live healthy and beautiful. They are not just flowers but they bring joy, a stress reliever, gives fresh air and fragrance, adds beauty in our surroundings.

We only live once, we must give value and protect our life because from the beginning, we learned to fight when we were still in our mother's womb. We have learned to fight and now we are freed from the world we live in. Are we going to give up now when we've made up our minds? Knowing that problems cannot be avoided for each of us, it is given to us because we are trying as long as we can. We are given trials because we know we can overcome them. And through the trials we have passed and are yet to face, we have learned how to be strong and continue through all life's challenges. Sometimes in the trials that come in our lives here we are tested if we still remember the Lord God. Because most of the time today, especially among young people, God has been forgotten and when they can no longer bear the burdens of life, they will do something that will destroy themselves. Through happiness and sadness we must not forget the Almighty Father because He is the one who can help us, He is our salvation, protector, our right path and our healer. Together with pray and actions, we will be in better situation.

There are lots of solution in our problems that we are now handling and enduring, we must remember how to be tough enough just keep on fighting and never give up in our life. For now, we are going through bumps and rocky roads, surely the next road will be smooth, safe and secure.

Final Thoughts

Knowing that problems will not last long and they will also disappear. If my tears today are because of sadness, I know in the next page of my life it will be tears of joy and happiness. I will be tired but I will not give up. I am even stronger because I have a child who is the reason why I am persistent.

Before I end my blog, I just wanna share with you my viand for this afternoon. It was "Kinilawng Talbos ng Kamote".

Until here my fellow readcash family. Thank you for stopping and reading my article. Have a fruitful Wednesday afternoon to all.

To my likers, subscribers, commentators, supporters and for those upvoted tips I appreciated it a lot.

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All photos above are mine.

God bless us all and more powers ๐Ÿ™. Take care always and I do hope that all of us here are happy, contented, well and fine.

๐Ÿ’• Love_Angge22๐Ÿ˜˜

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1 year ago


Arang kalami manang ganas sis. Gimingaw gayud ko pag ayo sis. Dugay na gayud sukad miari kos Manila.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Nice dae ,unsay phone nimo? Naglaway kos kinilaw nga ganas oy ,ugma be mangita kog ganas๐Ÿ˜

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Realme tita๐Ÿ˜….... Hehehehe,goraahhh tita daghan gyud kan-on mahurot bah...

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I am so amazed with those flowers, they are colorful ๐Ÿ˜.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Thank you๐Ÿ˜ because of their colors it captivated my eyes to capture them๐Ÿค—

$ 0.00
1 year ago