We create simple, interactive lessons about health and other topics to help people live more safely.

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3 years ago

Our audio-visual lessons are fact-based and designed by specialists in the respective areas of knowledge.

They are then translated into the local languages of communities, so that all people, whatever their level of education, can access information that they can understand.

Our lessons enable people to make their own choices and take more control over their lives.

We use DVDs and Online Lessons to inform and educate the viewer on a range of important topics that can help improve their own lives, and the lives of others around them.

We have been building our portfolio of lessons since we were founded twenty years ago, as Thare Machi The Starfish Initiative, together with our sister organisation, Thare Machi (Isle of Man (registered in 2013).

To ensure that the lessons we send out are accurate and reliable, we seek out the advice and input of sector experts to help us draft and review our scripts.

Each script is also checked for use of language, to make sure the meaning is clear. Translations are done by people who speak the language as their mother-tongue, and where possible we get every translation checked before it is recorded by another person.

Finally, every lesson goes through a series of checks to make sure it works properly.

We always ask users to provide us with feedback, so that we can learn if there are any ways we can improve our lessons.

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Avatar for Angelo_03
3 years ago
