sadness in life

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  • Sadness and pain in life can be caused by the bad people around us who do not wish us well, I learned a lot from my mistakes I learned not to trust anyone no matter how close they are to my heart. I feel, as if sadness became in all things, even the roads, and the house became sad. No matter how sad I feel, I am sure that happiness will come one day. There is no permanent sadness in this life, but unfortunately there is also no permanent happiness. My head hurt from thinking too much, and my body became tired from lack of sleep. I'm stuck in this life that the things I want don't happen, and I don't feel comfortable either. Everyone is looking for comfort in this life, and they forgot that God did not create it in this world. I do not know how to transcend, and overcome all this sadness, it has become in my heart. I will never forget those days when I didn't see anyone by my side sadness, and the pain increased every day in my heart, and I don't know how to get rid of all this pain. I do not know where to go, and to whom to complain about my concerns, for I hide my tears from those around me, when a person sees in his life sadness and many pains, he only feels that this life is cruel to him,

  • Every time I try to reach my dream, but I tried a lot, and discovered that it is just a dream that does not come true. I do not want this feeling that has become heavy on my shoulders, and I carry it against my will. I lost all my feelings in the wrong person so that if the right person comes to me he will find me without feeling. Under my eyes it turned black, my eyes became pale from exhaustion and sadness. I realized that calm does not mean that I am calm inside, I have a deep quarrel inside me. I started to smile, and tears did not dry up inside me, and I started to speak while inside me there was an endless silence. I don't tell anyone but I'm fine, even if every piece of me is on the other hand, I'm fine. All the experiences of my life have been harsh, and all my dreams do not come true. I want nothing from this life but some peace. I miss my childhood so much, for the days when I did not bear any responsibility or sadness, and I did not see cruelty in it.

Patience and contentment with the decree of God:

  • You give up everything in your life because of the person you love and find. Some sorrows make you think of writing sad words, and other sorrows make you cry to death. My tears flowed until the earth was wet from them, so Lord, make them not flow again except for joy. I wish I could grow up one day, but now that I'm older I hope to be as young as I was. Things died inside of me for which I wished I could die and never come back to life again. I do nothing but cry I have nothing but I wish my tears would dry, and I would never cry again. I am still certain that your wishes will come true one day. My Lord has promised me this. The hardest thing in this life is the separation of loved ones, but I will be patient until I meet them in the Hereafter. Take it easy on our hearts, O God, for you alone know what devastation and torment have befallen it. We do not desire anything, we do not wish for anything to happen, we become silent, and we are satisfied

  • All the hypocritical people who show me love, and carry hatred for me in their hearts. Life is painful, and very difficult. I feel suffocated by everything around me, even myself. Everything is going the opposite of what I want I don't want anything because it doesn't come true for me. Life is very tiring, full of difficulties. Whenever one ordeal emerges, it enters another. My sadness increases whenever I feel that my life will never improve for me. I tend to solitude away from all the hypocritical people around me. I wish all these bad events were a dream and I wake up from it as if nothing had happened to me. I have nothing but to pray to God to change all my bad conditions into happy events. I want to feel relief, and peace, just that all the bad things are over, and my sadness ends

  • My heart is in pain, tired, sad and finds no one to sympathize with and embrace it. I live in this life lost, tired, and feel confused even with the people closest to me. Thoughts fill my head, sadness has taken hold of my heart, and my depths are torn from sadness for myself. At a time when I needed the closest people to me, no one would hold my heart with me. We have nothing but silence over the cruelty of life, patience over all its suffering. Life has robbed me of my joy, and my joy, it is too cruel to rob me of what I want. I cry alone in my room, and no one feels my sadness but myself, my heart, and my mind. Sadness has become my friend, and it is the harshness of my days that cause my pain. I'm no longer who I was before, my features have changed and become faded. Everything around me changed, I became sad, everything was back to the way it was before.

Words that ease life's troubles:

  • All we have to do is be patient with the troubles of life, so that we may be rewarded and rewarded in the Hereafter. Take it easy on you, for it is nothing but a mortal world, and the Hereafter is the abode of goodness and permanence. All sorrows will end, and pass with patience, for God has commanded patience over troubles and difficulties. The narrower your grief matters, the sooner the vulnerability will increase. When you feel unable to bear it, just remember that God is with you, sees you, and feels you. God will not leave you alone, going through these crises will release you for what you are in. God will grant you comfort and happiness after this suffering, but you have to be patient, and pray to Him until He responds. Be optimistic and reassuring so that you are more confident that all your conditions will change for the better. No matter how late the relief is for you, be sure that God is able to change your life in a moment. The day does not come until when the dark night comes, and the sunrise does not come until after the west, so make sure that after this ordeal, a gift from God for you. God is the one who has ordained all this trouble for you to make you feel the pleasure of feeling happy after sadness. You have to pray, and insist on it, for things have not changed except with supplication, and trust in God Almighty. Patience is the key to relief, and with it the knots are untied, and worries are dissolved. If patience is difficult for you, know that its reward is good, and after it a great relief. Be aware that every bitterness will pass, and that after hardship there will be ease, God willing. Every relief comes in its time, and all fates are written, so you just have to be patient. Patience is the key to all worries and difficulties in this life, and only relief comes after it. Let the fates run as you want, so you only have to implement them, and wait for the near relief. If you are patient in this world for its troubles, it is better for you than the torment of the hereafter. If you are not patient with your affliction until it is released, the most severe trials will come to you. Be patient until relief comes to you, and you attain Paradise in the Hereafter because of your patience with affliction. The best qualities of morals are patience, and nothing comes after it but relief. Be patient until you defeat the most severe trials, even if they are like mountains.

Thus, I have finished writing my article. I thank my friend for reading, and I thank the sponsors who always support me

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