Married life concept

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Recently, we are witnessing the reluctance of many young people to marry; Because of their fear of his failure and their lack of knowledge and knowledge of the correct concepts of marriage, and portraying some as a boring relationship doomed to failure, happiness does not last only a few months, then both parties begin to blame the other for being deceived and chose the wrong person and a long and endless suffering begins, so They must know the true meaning of the marital relationship, and the duties, responsibilities and sacrifices that it contains, in order to reach the desired goal.

Now my friends, I will talk in my article about the concept of married life and the conditions for the success of married life...

The concept of married life: Married life is a life experience that includes the spouses who live as partners in everything. Different things he presents to the other, as the husband often provides protection and supplies the marital relationship needs of materials, while the wife provides security and stability for the home and the husband, which is a unique relationship that lasts throughout life, and married life also means that both parties who want to spend the rest of their lives with each other arrange their affairs together So that their way of life, which they are accustomed to, becomes a unified style that brings them together

A successful marital relationship is one of the secrets of happiness in life, where a successful marriage contributes to alleviating the burdens and difficulties of life. There is nothing better than to receive support and tenderness from your partner. The way the spouses interact affects marital life, whether negatively or positively, so the spouses must maintain Their marital love and they are keen to develop and develop it to keep it burning forever..... I will now talk to my friends about the conditions for the success of married life

  • Conditions for a successful marital relationship :

  • Acceptance: It is the initial satisfaction with the other party, its approval, satisfaction and acceptance.. and acceptance of its form, its positives and negatives its dreams, its ambitions and everything related to it in a preliminary way.

  • Love: Both parties should feel beautiful feelings for each other, and these feelings are often generated by acceptance and understanding between the two parties.

  • Respect: It is kindness and politeness with the other party, conceding to him in certain matters, appreciating him and trying to satisfy him in any way.

  • Understanding: It is the agreement on a married life in which differences are few and can be controlled if they occur from both parties.

  • Safety and stability: The feeling of security makes the other party automatically surrender himself and his feelings and everything related to him to the other party without fear or hesitation.

  • Independence: It is the idea of ​​establishing a married life restricted to both parties only, a man and a woman, who have complete freedom and privacy to manage their affairs and live freely wherever they want and in any place or time they decide.

  • Trust: No marital life will succeed in which there is a type of doubt, lack of confidence, and fear of the feelings and actions of the other party. Trust is what makes you happy and live your life while you are assured that the person with you feels the same love, affection and respect that you feel, and gives these feelings to you only.

  • Take responsibility: Both partners must bear the burdens and difficulties of life together, help with social and material obligations, raise children, and relieve each other to achieve balance in this life.

  • Attention: by asking about each other in the event of their preoccupation, continuous reassurance in the event of their absence, standing by each other when sick, offering sincere praise to each other, and showing approval and appreciation for each other, this will revive and renew the spirit of the relationship.

  • Providing support and assistance: Relieving the partner and standing with him in his crises and problems and during his exposure to grief and failure, all of this deepens the love between the two partners.

  • Tolerance All people make mistakes and no one has the infallibility of making mistakes, and both spouses may commit mistakes against each other, and each may get upset with the other and get angry at his actions and actions, and it may sometimes reach a request for separation, but it must be realized that the bond of marriage between them and parenthood In the event that there are children who are stronger than all the problems and differences, and the special moments that brought them together deserve forgiveness and forgiveness for them, the married life is a life of stability, peace and tranquility.


A married life is the life that each of the spouses chooses to live alongside the other, and it is a relationship that can be described as a sacred relationship because of the privacy and importance it contains for each of the spouses... If married life includes all the ingredients for success, such as: love, and partnership, And trust, honesty, understanding, mutual respect, containment, and attention, and this is reflected positively and directly on the life of the spouses in full, as they are distinguished in their working lives and feel good about themselves and love and accept life and are socially successful and live with passion and enthusiasm

Thus, I have finished writing my article. I thank God for your help in writing the article, and I thank the sponsors who supported me. I hope you like my friends.

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This is really impressive we need to right more on married life to help other people understand it well .. nice one angel .. I loved the way you explained this concept .. well I am unmarried yet and single but when I do I would be sure to take note of all you wrote about

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you for your kind words dear

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Nowadays young couple make a decision quickly. They dont see the reality of married life. It must prepared also not just love love... It must be packaged deal.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes my dear you are right

$ 0.00
2 years ago

There are couples who get married with the idea that marriage is always a honeymoon and when the disagreements start, they can't stand it and the supposed lover is concluyed

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes dear, that's right

$ 0.00
2 years ago