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I have been working for a train company for a long time. As an engineer, I have spent most of my life in this company. At the age of sixty-three I witnessed the countless faces coming to the train station, as well as the richly varied stories of life. From simply watching the passengers to talking to them, I know what they are going through.

This train carries a wide variety of people. There are vicious addicts, fraudsters, drug users, young rebels, murderers, thieves, and much more. They are people who often want to run away, want to escape the life, places, memories, and people they destroy.

The last project I caught on was a railroad bridge. This bridge connects two parts of the land separated by a wide river that is also passed by the ship. So this bridge is not permanent, it only connects when the train is approaching. It was here that I met Dave, who served as Bridgemaster or bridge connector. The project was completed when I was only forty years old and after that I stayed here to take care of the bridge. Dave was my constant companion and we became friends.

Dave has a nine-year-old son who is always there. The boy is happy, and he enjoys the train. Dave was close to his son and could see how much he really loved it. Dave said he could only see his son's smile disappearing from all his tiredness and problems.

Dave's son likes to play on the railroad track and every time the train arrives it runs to the operating dock to keep an eye on it. She was so happy and she watched it to the very end. And I was happy to see her in the window of my office.

But one day, the train and Dave landed at the Bridge Operating Room to connect the bridge. But in the window of her room as she was waiting for the train, she heard her son crying. He peered it and it fell into a hydraulic box that was part of the bridge mechanism. When Dave joins the bridge, the boy gets stuck and dies. And if he did not join it, thousands of people would be killed by the train.

Dave was almost shocked to see me run out of my office, but it was too far. I saw Dave holding the knob as tears streamed down his eyes.

As the train approached, I was at the bottom of my office building and saw only that the bridge had gone down and the train was safe. I saw Dave run down the tower toward his son. She knelt down and stopped crying.

I watched the passing train. From its window I could see people. Someone sleeps, talks, talks, laughs, eats and drinks.

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always remember author every person you see that talks, laughs, eats and drinks. they all have something hidden inside of them.

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3 years ago