The living life

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Joy will fill Aling Juling's chest with the praise and admiration of friends and acquaintances. Several times she climbed the stage to join the child in receiving various honors - Valedictorian, Best Declaimer, Best Orator, Leadership Award, Achievement Award, Girl Scout Award, Model Pupil Award, Bb. Wisdom Award, and more.

Aling Juling's son Maricris is always in the top 3 in the class. In elementary, high school and college, it has received many awards and honors in the field of academic competition or extra-curricular activities. As a result, Maricris grew up with people who always admired, applauded and applauded all the schools she attended. In Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao, his name is always open mouth.

MARICRIS del MAR, his teachers and classmates do not run out of praise. After all, Maricris has remained humble.

Maricris's name has been circulating for nearly twenty years in various schools throughout the Philippines.

When Maricris married and had two sons, she thought she would experience the happiness she had given her mother when she was a student. She thought she would return to the stage to receive honors from the children studying.

But, contrary to expectations, at the end of the year Maricris is always in the chair. Watching other parents on stage with the children receiving the honor. Maricris has just experienced being in the chair only. The school where two children attend is always on the other side.

She just smiles, sighs as she remembers her happy days as a teenager with her mother in receiving various honors.

After all, he is still grateful to the Almighty that although his two children were not wise and they were respectful.

The oldest sixteen-year-old is now loving and obedient. It always says that.

"Mommy, no matter how much I honor the class, I'll try to finish school so you can be proud of me when the day comes."

The youngest of fifteen years is furry, alert and kind.

“Mom, when I go to college, I'll get Fine Arts. Then, I'll get a Business Administration too. I'll be your mommy, helping us grow our business. ”

With two children and a loving husband, Maricris is happy too. But he could never imagine the wonder and applause his mother had experienced.


Each person has a different personality. Do not seek out your children for qualities that they do not have.

If Maricris had not been able to raise her children, she would still be proud of them for not having their parents headache.

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Each person has a different personality. correct i always say this to my friends were all not the same in some point of view.

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3 years ago