Last five hours

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The bell rang. It is a signal that students like me are returning home. But why the morning? Maybe there was a sudden reunion of teachers for the upcoming foundation day. Destiny seems to be coming to my senses as my mother is returning home from abroad.

I was excited because I was only five when I last saw him. What he can look like now is that I'm in the second grade of high school.

On my way home I saw a woman weeping, and my curiosity pushed me to ask why she was crying.

"Ale, why are you crying?" I asked the woman.

"I'll never see my son again in life."

"If you don't feel sorry, can you come with me to get rid of your sadness, that is all you want," I couldn't say why.

His nod and his hand reaching for me was only a sign of his willingness.

We were unaware of the time when we were together, it seemed like a dream was happening. In the middle of our fun, the ale said, "Can you close your eyes?"

I obeyed his command and just as I felt his lips stick to my forehead and what I heard was his telling me "I love you".

To my surprise the ale disappeared so I didn't even ask what his name was. Suddenly the cold air was blowing all around me.

I was not aware of the time. I looked at my watch.

“Well, what time do I have to go home” I told myself. I left that place with a question I didn't know when to answer.

On my way home I saw my father, who seemed to be in tears. What's the problem? I approached him and said goodbye. He suddenly said,

"Your mom left us, she died in an accident five hours ago."

Instead of crying, I just asked her if she had a picture of my mother, to my surprise ...

He didn't leave me without a word. He showed me how much I loved and loved him.

She was the ale I was with earlier, the crying ale.

What I thought was a stranger was my dear mother. At least for a while I was with him. For the last five hours my life has been filled with joy that I have never experienced.


Parents will always feel how much we love them. We will not always be with them so we can always say the words "I love you" to them and appreciate all their sacrifices to us.

If your Father or Mother is abroad, take time to talk to them over the phone or in chats. This is a small thing for us but to them it is very important. Even so you can feel that they are important to you and you can even sacrifice a little time just to be with them.

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If your Father or Mother is abroad, take time to talk to them over the phone or in chats. This is a small thing for us but to them it is very important. Even so you can feel that they are important to you and you can even sacrifice a little time just to be with them.

ill do it sir i miss my mom after reading this article

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3 years ago