Im think im in love

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And how would you like to be called in class Ms. Ramirez? ” - I simply asked a question that was answered immediately -

“Mary SIR.”

It was as if I was spilled in cold water when I came to SIR or they were my teacher in this class and not one of their classmates. Is that a problem? Is there a university rule that states that a teacher is not allowed to fire his student?

I Think I'm in Love

It's hard to get up early especially here in Baguio City because it is nice to sleep especially cold and cold. But because I had to wake up early and not even go to school, it was only five o'clock when my alarm clock woke me up.

In short, I was inspired to come, especially during TTHS because of Ms. Ramirez. As the days and weeks passed, I was more impressed by her beauty and other qualities. So many times I catch myself suddenly suddenly staring at her every time they have a quiz or seatwork ... (I don't know if her classmates are also catching up with those I think of Mary).

It's December - Christmas break. Suddenly I missed him, couldn't sleep at night in the mind and just woke up to my brain screaming as if he wanted to irelease all of the chemicals like 5-HT or 5-hydroxytryptamine, serotonin and epinephrine which caused the rapid heart pounding, and lack of appetite. Waaaaaaaaaah! I still don't feel the same here ... Here are the words of Jam Morales song revived by Lea Salonga “I think I'm in love, I think I'm in love with you .. Every single day , every single night, I want to spend them all, with you…. ” Well ... I'm in the lab ... I even told myself to work first, and that was just that lab ...

You Changed My Life in a Moment

January 2004. I was excluded from school. My neighbors have noticed that with the New Year just coming in, there have been many changes from me as well - as follows:

· * I'm taking a shower (I used to have only 5 minutes to bathe, 3 minutes if it was too cold, now 20 to 30 minutes, just wait a little ...).

· * Stepping out of the room smells the scent of Grandma's Polo Sport perfume from Tate…

· * Lab Songs are often played in my room like Love is All That Matters, Falling and other sentimental songs that I have never heard before.

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songs come in my mind haha suddenly i sang it now weird

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3 years ago