Beautiful, helpful and talented

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There was a slave serving in a luxurious palace. She has a daughter. Her name is Marcela. Marcela is loved by many because of her good qualities. Beautiful, helpful and talented. He was always available to answer any questions.

It came to the King's knowledge of the palace his father served. One day the King ordered his servant to test Marcela's intelligence.

“Take this bird to Marcela. I want him to cook me a dozen dishes with this little bird, ”the King ordered.

The servant immediately obeyed. He went to Marcela and said what the king had ordered. Marcela thought at that time that Marcela was wearing a dress.

"Tell the dear King that if he could make twelve spoons with this one needle, I would also make twelve dishes with a little bird," Marcela answered wisely.

The King's servant hurried back to the palace and announced Marcela's answer. The King secretly admired Marcela's answer. He thought of another trial. Again he ordered the slave.

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any continuation about this story authur? what happen next

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3 years ago