When your Phone is Lowbat, what should you do now?

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2 years ago

When your phone is lowbat and you need to charge it for 2-3 hours, what should you do in that time? What you will do when your cellphone is not fully charged?

Me, i always charged the phone in the morning because in the morning, I'm busy because i will eat a breakfast, take a bath, watch in television and many more. I will unplug it in the afternoon after i eat a lunch even it's fully charged or not. In the afternoon, that is the time that i want to used the cellphone so i always charged it in the morning. If i fully charged it in the morning, sometimes it will lowbat in the evening so in the evening, i will shutdown it and charge in the morning because i want just charged it once in a day.

Sometimes, in the morning i unplug it even it's not fully charged so it's will lowbat in the afternoon. So i need to charge it again even I don't want it because i want just once. I will get it in the evening so in the morning, there's many battery left. So i will charged it in the afternoon and i will charged it again in the morning.

But sometimes, even it's still charging, i using it because my hands can't stop open the phone and my mind can't stop thinking my account in noisecash if someone heart my post haha. But i just using it for a minute only and then if i already see it, i will close it. I don't want to unplug it so i using it even it's charging. I know it's bad to do it because the phone will over heat so i just do it sometime.

When the phone is lowbat:

When the phone is lowbat, I'm doing a household chores - yeah, that is just a time that i will do a household chores. I'm boring because I'm not using cellphone so i want to be busy. I'm doing all the household chores like washing a plate, arranging the cabinet also cleaning it and many more. I'm doing this so after i finished it all, i can used the cellphone and it's also have battery.

When the phone is lowbat, i will sleep in the afternoon - haha, i also do this so I'm not be boring in waiting to fully charged. I'm sleeping so when i woke up, i can used it and didn't need to wait in 2-3 hours. I sleeping because myself always want to use the cellphone even it's still charging so i will sleep haha.

But sometimes when i woke up in my nap, my brother already unplug it even it's not fully charged haha. Then when I look in the battery,🤦 it's near in 20% haha

When the phone is lowbat, I'm bonding in my mother - when i changed the phone, i will go in my mother. I will sit or sleep beside her and talking her. We always playing and going in the market together to buy a dishes that we will eat in dinner, lunch or breakfast.

When the phone is lowbat, i helping my mother in cooking - when the phone is lowbat, i also helping my mother when she is cooking. I will volunteer that can i cook it so i will learn how to cook and when I'm old i can cook like her. I want to learn cooking because I'm happy in cooking. I want chopping and mixing so sometimes i helping my mother or watching it how to cook. Questioning her what's next there after i put it and many more.

The other that i list in this article when the phone is lowbat, i also doing it even it's not lowbat. Sometimes when I'm boring in phone and just watching in Facebook, i doing this like going together with my mother, doing household chores and many more.

But everytime that the phone is lowbat, i always do this so i will become busy and didn't watch the time. When we are busy, we didn't think the time so it's become faster than always looking in the phone if it's fully charged.

Thank you for reading my article 💚 thanks for visiting and reading until here.

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2 years ago


When i'm phone is lowbat in charging it then continue writing 🤣🤣

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Since my phone's battery is not easy na malowbat, because it is Vivo. Pag sinabing vivo talagang matagal malowbat battery when I always wake up late in the morning like 8 am umaabot battery ng cp ko sa 5-6 pm gaya now meron pa siyang 59 percent battery life. So dipa talaga as in lowbat talaga. Minsan nga nakakatamad magcharge pero dahil gabi need ko din maligo yun ginagawa ko pag ichacharge ko na cp ko, maliligo, magbibihis, kakain, maghuhugas plato, magsskin care, tapos yun kukunin ko na cp ko tapos full bat na ulit.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ayy talaga? Matagal malowbat?

$ 0.00
2 years ago