Don't be Lazy, Be hardworking

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3 years ago

Why i said "don't be lazy, be hardworking?"

  • Because i realized that being lazy is not good. Why? Because my brother didn't doing his assignments on time🀣.

i tell you a story:

First month of the classes, my brother always attendings, doing the homework, active in the school announcement. But after 1 month, my brother change. My brother didn't attend in their classes, didn't doing his homework and didn't visit his messenger. He always used the cellphone and the computer. My mother and father always tell to my brother that he need to do his homework, but my brother always didn't remember my parents said. And when the teacher announced the schedule of the retrieval, my brother pressure to do his homework 🀣. My brother do his assignments every day. Actually he didn't take a bath that time because he is busy in doing his homework because the deadline is near but his homework that he need to finish is 4 subject and each subjects have 4 weeks and each weeks have 8 learning task and not all task are simple πŸ˜‚. Actually, my brother asking for the help to me even I'm so young than his and if i declined it, my brother angry to meπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. I don't have a choice to help my brother even i didn't know the lesson πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. When he finished all the task, he are relaxed and start to used the computer againπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. Then, after pass all the homework, he didn't do all the homework again. He is busy again in computer πŸ˜‘πŸ˜’ and now, the deadline is near again. The deadline is this Monday but he just finished some task. My brother asking again for the helpπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ but i said"No!!" Why? Because I'm so young to do that his homework, but my brother angry to me again. when i used his cellphone my brother didn't share to me because i don't want to help in his assignments and he said that If i want to used his cellphone i need to help to do his assignments πŸ˜” ( my brother have an own cellphone and my brother just sharing his cellphone to me). No choice, i need to help again. I think today, my brother realized that it's so hard and i hope he didn't do it again.

So now, i said to my self that i will be hardworking and don't be lazy because being lazy is so hard. Why so hard? Even in the first, your life is so happy because you didn't do your homework but in the end, all the homework that you didn't do or you escape, you also need to finish in the end when your teacher said the schedule. And when the teacher tell the schedule, it's so hard than doing your homework on time because when doing homeworks on time, you can do all your homework work easier and you have also free time in the end.


I can't post an another article about my 1 month hereπŸ˜‚πŸ˜…. So i announced it in this article. I'm 1 month here. I started to create an account here last month January 17, 2021 so im 1 month here 3 days ago but i just only noticed todayπŸ˜….

I'm 1 month here. Yey!!!

Thanks for reading

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3 years ago


Happy monthsary sa inyo ni πŸŽŠπŸ˜‚πŸ™‹πŸŽ‰

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3 years ago

Narealize ko,kung gano ako kasipag magsabi ng pero bukas na lang hahahaga

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3 years ago