Crazy Things that I Do Before (Part II)

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Avatar for Angel_183
3 years ago
Topics: Nonsense

Before, i already write an article about my crazy things that i do in food. Now, i also remember some things that i also crazy things that i do before.

In our childhood, i think you also do some weird things. Our minds are thinking many weird things. Sometimes we just do it because we watch it in television or just see in some kids also doing this.

This is are the some that i do before:

Eating salad

Every Christmas and New year, my family celebrate of course. My parents always buy salad every Christmas. My siblings and I are like Salad and i think you too. The taste of Salad is so delicious and also sweet so many people like to eat this food in every occasions.

When we want to eat salad, my mother will give salad to us because when we will put in a cup, we will get many but my mother want just get some so in the next day we also have a salad.

So we just eat salad slowly because if we it eat quickly, our mouth will watering because we see someone eating salad but our salad are already in our stomach 🤣. Actually before, we will just dip our spoon and didn't get a fruit. We will just taste the condensed first. Then when our salad are already gone because we already eat it, we will clean the cup using our tongue because there's some salad are there🤣. We do like the dog do that they used their tongue to drink water 🤣.

Decorating my food

Before when i like the food, i also decorate it before eating it. Before when our food is hotdog, before i eat i will cut it first in a small piece and decorate using hotdog. I also painting using ketsup and write my name in the plate🤣. I will also turn the rice in circles like in the restaurant and add a ketsup at the top and draw a smiley face🤣.

And when our food is ham, i will cut it in a small piece also or turn it a batman logo🤣. Before, I always doing this things then i will get a towel and pretending I'm in the restaurant 🤣.

Suck my arms

Before, i just see this in my brother and also do it before. He will suck his arm until it's become black. Before it's become my hobby and actually i also do this in my feet. Then when my mother see this, she taught that this is pasa🤣. I will just said, it's not, we just suck it so it's turn to black🤣. I don't know why it's turn to black, i just do it before but now i don't want to do it again🤣.


I also just know it from my brother. It's not totally hiccup because we intentionally do it. I just called hiccup because it's like that. We just like swallowing a food but there's no food in our mouth. There's sound when we do it like a hiccup. I don't know if someone also do this or it's just me and my brother.

Before it's also become my hobby to do it and i can't stop to do it. I don't know how to stop it because i always do it. It's fun to do it before but now i don't want to do it because what if I can't stop it again like before.

Pretending that I'm drowning

In our bathroom, we have a shower. I always using it and play with it. I will open it and i will my face in the water and pretending that I'm drowning in the water. I will up and down my face like a fish too 😂. It's feels like you are in the sea and you didn't know how to swim🤣. Now I can't do that because our shower already broken and our water bill because expensive because everyday i used shower.

Drinking and eating like a dog

Before, i also do like the dogs doing when they are eating and drinking. I will used my tongue to eat. I like doing it before because there's some trill in eating a food. When my mother see me, she will shouted me that don't do this.

Drinking in the container

When sometimes, I'm being lazy to get a cup, i will just put my head in the water container and slowly open it so i can catch the water.

I didn't do all that things except decorating my food. I like to decorate it before eating but it's not always. I just do it when i just want to do it again.

Did you also try to do this?

Thanks for reading💚

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Avatar for Angel_183
3 years ago
Topics: Nonsense


Hahahhaa ambot sayo jackieee kung ano ano ginagawa mo🤣🤧🤧🤧🤧

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

Ahahahaha ang cute mong bata ka talaga ang daming ahahah 😂😂

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nagustuhan ko yung Decorating my food 😅 ganyan kasi ako mahilig akong Idecorate yung pagkain ko bago ko ito kainin. Pero minsan kapag gutom na gutom na talaga.. Kain na agad hahaha

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Haha same, pag gutom na gutom na, di na iintindihin yung ganda basta maka kain 🤣

$ 0.00
3 years ago

grave talaga yung drowning ha....mermaid lang ang baby hehehe..ang cute😍😍

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Lol I'm relate doon s part na Eating like a dog 😂 Hahaha nacurious lang naman ako kung pano sila kumain ng ganoon noon HAHAHA

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Haha ang hirap kumain ng ganun haha

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You did have strange habits. In my childhood I did so many crazy things that now I can only laugh. I liked to mix the food, in a bag I would put soda and mango and I already had mango flavored coke!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

What's the taste of that drink?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I do not remember, but surely mango with coca cola xd

$ 0.00
3 years ago