It was never an apple

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Avatar for Angel26
3 years ago

(This contains content from writer's notion and imagination that may be sensitive to some readers. Open your mind or don't read this.)

It was sex.

It was never an apple from the beginning.

Lustful sex was the definition to the metaphor of the fruit that was forbidden.

Adam and Eve is a representation of humanity.

Thee fruit is secular intercourse of he and she,

garden of Eden is a symbol of God and human's unity.

He primitive instinct in every offending man is to hide the object of offense.

The initial expression of guilt for theft is hiding your hands, for eating what you shouldn't is a covered mouth, for seeing what you shouldn't is hiding your eyes.

So if you read the bible what did they cover when they were found by God?

God loves wordplay,

Church loves the truth to keep it hidden and away from the bay of fellow Christians and from fellow humans.

As humanity is involve in lustful desire,

we denied the next step of evolution and cast ourselves from the union with God.

We can only re-enter Eden through the same door by which we exited it.

That door is sex, but not sex that is driven by animal lust.

Yes you can say it was a fruit from the Genesis.

But it's a myth, only told by the scholars and experts.

You can tell your holy buddies, pray some holy mary's, watch Netflix documentaries and cuddle, but I will say this one last time, IT WAS NEVER AN APPLE.

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