Unrequited First Love

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Written by
3 years ago

On her balcony in the shadier part out of the Tuscan sun,

She sat with her head resting on her knees dead to everyone,

Trying to block out the pain of an unrequited new love,

The tutor her parents had given her their frightened dove.

They had thought to teach her more than mere knowledge,

A tutor for developing the spirit and embracing the new age,

To show her about shaping ones character and social graces,

About class levels and how to adapt to all sorts of customs or faces.

But little did they foresee that he was too good an instructor,

For with his words of wisdom she soon began to fluster,

All of a dither in her thoughts and each romantic feeling,

Started to hang on his every word and find him appealing.

It wasnt because he was particularly handsome indeed,

There were other much younger men who stoked her need,

Younger suitors who would make better lovers than he,

But that self possessed spirit he preached called her to see.

It was like he seemed to light up the room wherever he went,

And in her classes she grew wistfully tired and oddly spent,

Floating idly on a daydream to the deep tone of his voice,

And when he would idly pass her with fleeting touch she'd rejoice.

He seemed to have what he described as a magnetic charisma,

It embues him with confidence and that seemed to lure her,

Ever under his spell she'd be waiting for moments together,

Her moods now seem as changeable and intense as the weather.

If this was love then why did it seem to hurt so much?

Should she dare make a play for his attention or try for his touch?

Could it be he may feel the same way if she risked all to reveal?

Would it be asking to much just for an intimate kiss to steal?

Here as the birds call to her and mimic the song in her icy heart,

A cacophony of beats and tunes that feel like they rip her apart,

Yet somehow have cohesion at the same time and a purpose,

She dwells on her feelings too much lately she would suppose.

Sure he's as old as her parents but seems much younger to her,

He still has much life in him as his soul seems to vibrantly stir,

Making flutters in her stomach and driving her to distraction,

She'd so love him to throw away his papers and in love take action.

But he doesn't and he won't not in the classroom's dusty confines,

She needs a setting more conducive to romance and active minds,

Perhaps away on the hills where nature would enthrall them,

Amongst the flowers and the birds and bees and all the mayhem.

Away from prying eyes and those judgemental voices all prim,

Yet what care has she for their bitter scorn if this should be her whim?

To hell with them she'd set it all up and let the cards fall as they will,

She'd pack a picnic basket with wine and grapes and they'd have their fill.

But something inside her knows the plans may go awry,

It burrows deep at the back of her mind as hours pass by,

It's too risky they won't allow it or he won't wholeheartedly approve,

She wants a seemless plan but nothing in love is sure to run smooth.

He has his wisdom and worldly ways but she has her youth,

He could give her courage and she'd give him her all in truth,

All seems possible in the eyes of the young not yet blinded by life,

She'd be sweetheart, secret lover or a one night only - even a wife!

But languidly still she stewed on this and the heart's will grew,

Plainly said she was lost and had no-one to confide in or to,

This was the worst kind of pain and indecision rolled into one,

All through the night she didn't sleep and now the new day's come.

She sighs and a deep sorrow seems to cleft her heart in pieces,

Such is the plight of humans too over thinking as a higher species,

Perhaps all the lessons and things she'd been taught are there,

For secretly she harbours the words in her soul to have a care.

Just then the bell tolls for breakfast and she must away,

It wouldn't do to be tardy or the adults will have something else to say,

She fixed her dress and hair with little effort but still looks a beauty,

Puts on her best smile and posture and wears it for the day to be.

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Written by
3 years ago
