Los Angeles California California, United States Read About their City

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3 years ago

Los Angeles, Los Angeles City, Los Angeles County, Southern California, U.S. It is the United States' second most populated city and metropolitan region (after New York City). The city extends over a vast coastal plain between the mountains and the Pacific Ocean; there are some 90 other incorporated cities in the much larger Los Angeles county, which includes the city, including Beverly Hi Hi,

Since the city and the county are interwoven geographically, culturally, and economically, all bodies must be involved to some degree in any consideration of Los Angeles. The population density varies widely in the metropolitan area, as low as one person per square mile in mountain areas and as high as 50,000 per square mile near downtown Los Angeles. Town Territory, 466 square miles (1,207 square km)

Very recently, Los Angeles, the heart of Southern California, became a world-class city. It was considered merely "a large village" at the beginning of the 20th century. This ascendancy is all the more remarkable given that some of the basic building blocks associated with cityhood, such as a natural harbor, were originally missing in the area. Yet it resolved natural shortcomings and set it up,

Los Angeles has undergone many critics' barbs. It is referred to by critics as either a laid-back "la-la land" or, conversely, as a place reeling from earthquakes, burning, smog, gang wars, and riots. Defenders of the city enjoy its mild climate and geographical range. They say that their main social issues are equal to those in all major cities and may be even less serious than elsewhere.

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