Start Writing And Become A Better Person

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3 years ago

For people who have always wanted to improve themselves and become a better person, here is a way for you to do so. Just pick your pen or laptop and START WRITING. Yes, writing is a very good way to improvise you. If you are wondering how then we have the answer for that.


Sports is a very good platform to improve discipline. But what about people who are not into sports.  For those people, writing can be a very good option. Writing just for a few minutes every day can teach you patience and discipline. To write something you need to have a systematic approach, which reflects in your day to day life.


Start Writing And Become A Better PersonAccording to research, people who write down the good things of their life every week are found to be more motivated and positive. It helps people realize the value of everything they have got and not to take things for granted. By writing, you can understand your life.

Better reader

As a writer, you read the works of others with a keen interest to improve yourself. You do not read like a normal reader, you read, imply, and try to connect all possible dots of the content. You analyse the works of others, find the positive for you to use and negatives for you to avoid.


To write something, you have to put efforts on your brain and think. You force your brain to struggle and pull out ideas from deep inside your subconscious mind. Moreover, studies show that people who write by hand have increased cognitive activity and can actually be more intelligent. It is a good exercise for the brain.


As a writer, you have to wear many hats. You have to think in the perspective of others. When writing constantly, you apply this technique in real life also. You understand the situation of other by putting yourself in their shoes. This helps you deeply understand the emotions and feelings of others.

Positive Nature

The world is cruel, and it criticizes the work of every person. Being a writer, you happily welcome criticizes and work on them so that you can avoid them in the future. You become positive to pick out the positives even from the negatives.

Mentally Healthy

Writers usually are found to be mentally healthy. It is because they pen down their frustrations and anger. This habit not only avoids the writer from getting involved in a dispute but also gives him time to relax, calm down and think about the situation with a cool mind.

Sense of accomplishment

When you write down something, be it a journal, a blog, a diary, or a book, it gives you a satisfactory sense that you have invested your time into something useful instead of wasting it away. You have a record to show something you have done for the day.

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Written by
3 years ago


Fabulous and Speechless Dear Keep it up

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3 years ago

Nice article Dear, pls subscribe me.

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3 years ago

Very well articel

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3 years ago

sub me back

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3 years ago

People who want to make themselves bigger now hope that this website will make them more and more good writers and find something better from this website.

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3 years ago

Very well dear

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3 years ago

Thank You Dear

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3 years ago


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3 years ago

Its really helpfull article...

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3 years ago

Thanks Dear

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3 years ago

Your welcome

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3 years ago

Too much criticism can decrease morale and make team members feel self-conscious about their ability to fulfill their roles. With the right mix of positive feedback and constructive criticism, they can instead feel proud of their accomplishments while understanding what skills they need to develop. Nice Dear

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3 years ago