Look dude...

2 21

I agree, as i feel like so many on this platform would, that the powers of government and the threat of us losing any rights we currently have is very serious. Every day we become deeper entrenched into government surveillance and control. Legislative overreach and taxation are the bane of just about any good that the free peoples of earth could achieve if just left to their own devices. Secret agendas and private state subsidized schemes control and manipulate the masses, industries that are better left to die are propped up with our tax dollars and families that have inherited wealth since before the inception of our very constitution move entire populations around like pawns in a sick game of chess.

HOWEVER- maybe you putting a fucking mask on your backwards fucking face isn't such a bad idea. There is an airborne illness that can literally kill my grandparents floating around, and if you are such a fucking arrogant dick that your pride is more important than the lives of those around you then perhaps you are the reason that government exists in the first place. If you are unwilling to take such a simple and non-sacrificial step for your fellow man then you are a greedy cocksucker and I hope they take you to the gulag and that a thousand horny, viagra-fuelled monkeys rape your 'vid riddled corpse.

Good day.

PS I have the freedom of speech in my country. GOD BLESS AMERICA.

$ 0.05
$ 0.05 from @Stalk.Jumper


I agree with your point sir, but please mind that honey fares better than vinegar when attracting bees.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

perhaps, but I'm not so much attracting bees as i am repelling idio-.... hornets

$ 0.00
3 years ago