What I do when I fail?

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2 years ago

What I do?

It's not possible to have any failures as long as you're alive. However, there are other issues that come with the failure. Let us just see where these issues would be situated in our school life. First, they are the people, their attitude and the behavior of a student like me. I am one of those who likes being praised. When we fail or get bad grades, it might seem like a great shock but it doesn't mean anything. Why should you feel your mistakes are your best strengths? No harm is done to yourself. We are all human beings not robots. As for my peers, most of them like receiving good grades. Of course, every person does bad things occasionally and gets low grades. However, when this happens, it is their own weakness rather than mine. My friends tend to think that the majority of students have a different approach to learning. Another thing is that we can learn from each other. How we perceive something determines how we act. For example, many students will think more negative thoughts. This is what happened to me when I received low grades. The only person who can make changes to myself is myself. Once the failure has occurred, I tend to ignore it. You never know where it’s coming from until you experience it. Finally, we need to look at ourselves. Students are not perfect until someone else does. There is no perfect solution to problems until you can figure it out yourself. If you really want a happy ending, then you have to do your work.

First and foremost, let me give a personal opinion on some points: I consider the teachers to be extremely helpful. They helped me a lot and gave an opportunity for me to change my thinking. Even though they had great intentions, they failed in doing so. Also, their help was quite useful when we worked in pairs with others, as we worked together to achieve our goals. Their behavior towards me also helped me to change my attitude. Not all my classmates have great attitudes towards reading. Some of them have low self-esteem and don’t even try to improve. On the other hand, teachers do not always give positive feedback. Teachers might say that they are afraid of being blamed for mistakes. Therefore, when I received poor results, I thought that everything went wrong because of my failure to read and I became less confident in myself. So, I did not pay much attention and focused on my studies and my grades went lower. To add to that, when you receive bad grades, it means that you are less interested in studying. People forget that you are human, and you will be disappointed if you do not get high grades. Teachers sometimes blame themselves for failing.

When we fail, you will learn in your own way as well. Sometimes you will learn by making mistakes. Just like in school, you’ll need time and energy to get over the failure, so you will find ways to make it better. In my case, I made little progress since my grades were low. I have been writing about three times and I have not achieved anything. Now I have to spend a lot of time revising my papers, and I will also start working on my assignments. It will take me some time to learn to write with confidence and without feeling nervous. Then, you can become a successful writer. So, this failure is another lesson for me and that will help me to become a successful writer. It would not bother me if people called me vain. Every person has his/her own ways of dealing with failure. That’s why failure is important to grow. Failure makes you better at what you are doing. Yes, we fail because of not knowing who we are, but most importantly, failure shows us what we can do better next time. That’s why failure is our greatest strength.

My biggest mistake is that I am arrogant. I am proud enough to say that I have great ideas but I fail to execute them. This may be due to my age. All the students are taught to write but not to get it done. I can only plan, try, and hope, but nothing works out. Everyone wants success but I am still struggling to achieve that goal. In order to succeed, we need the ability to take risks. And we can take risks only with our failures. Failure is like a blessing because sometimes you realize your flaws and shortcomings and learn a valuable lesson. One mistake we make when we fail is that we do not stop improving and learning from it. Most often, mistakes happen when we have no idea where to go. The same thing happened to me in previous tests. But, after this failure, I realized that the teacher had no idea what I did when I failed. Thus, he told me that I would be doing my best to succeed in future exams. From now on I will do my best to keep up the pace and avoid getting punished because of my bad grades. More than my failure, the teacher wanted me to become a better writer and reader. He wanted me to gain knowledge of writing and reading. I failed in both cases because I had no idea of what I want to do. These two areas will require considerable effort as I have no proper skills to deal with such situations. Furthermore, I should also start learning more than the necessary.

I am very selfish. Whenever I feel that I can get something good out of something, I will do it no matter what. Everything is about personal power. I have no care for anyone else but myself. Here is an example – I was looking for information about chemistry. I came across many websites and all of them had lots of useful information. However, I did not want to wait for hours to find one that would be interesting to me. So, I came up with a quick search in Google. It was not on top. Within minutes, I got information about new inventions. I liked the information and decided to share it with my girlfriend. She found it very interesting. So, she contacted me and we planned to have more meetings. Again, I did not care about myself and what I could prove. By doing so, the other students failed me and she did not like them. Now the situation is very difficult. I am losing a friend and I can’t stand her. This is what happens when you are selfish: the second chance you get, you lose it all. And again, failure is part of becoming successful. You have to go through the process to finally learn. I will spend a whole day trying to solve this problem. I will have to find a new website in order to learn more about chemistry. Eventually, I will succeed in understanding and mastering chemistry again. I will eventually master something and that will make me a successful writer.

If I have not succeeded at least in a certain area, I will take steps to make it better. Maybe I should consider the teacher’s advice to improve my weaknesses. The same rule could also apply to myself. Every time people fail, I also learn from it. I learn how to do my assignments more efficiently. I make sure that I have enough memory when it comes to remembering our lessons. But, I still struggle for higher grades and I will continue to struggle. Finally, I have become more creative, for instance, not only in my creativity but also in my writing. Therefore, I also think the lessons learned can teach others to become better writers and readers. I am eager to explore new possibilities and I believe that by sharing some of my experiences I can help everyone to become better writers as well. Hence, I think failure is another source of learning. Instead of blaming myself for not succeeding I should be thankful for being wrong. Moreover, it can motivate you to strive for a better level in whatever you do.

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2 years ago
