promise yourself that you do what is right not what is easy.

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2 years ago

Do what is right, not what is easy. When you are faced with a difficult decision, it can be tempting to choose the path of least resistance. But if you do, you'll lose out on something important: integrity.

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Integrity is one of the most important things that we have in our lives, and it goes beyond just being honest with yourself and others. It's about doing what makes sense for your life, even when that means going against popular opinion or your own desires.

Even though this may seem like an extreme example, it's important to remember that we all have different values and priorities—some of which may differ from those of others around us. And if there's ever a time where we're feeling like we should do what others want instead of what feels right for us, remember that this doesn't mean that you're "wrong." The world needs more people who take responsibility for their actions and who don't let other people control their happiness!

When you're faced with the choice to do what's easy or do what's right, remember this: easy things done easily but the right things take time with more bonanza. It's always best to do what you know is right. And that means sometimes it will be hard.

The world can be a difficult place, and you can feel like you're struggling with everything. Sometimes it feels like there are a million things that need your attention, and there's no way you can get them all done. But remember: It's always better to do what is right than to do what is easy.

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The world is full of people who do what's easy, not what's right. They are often quick to judge, quick to criticize, and quick to dismiss others. But the truth is that everyone has the potential to be a good person—no matter how they act on the outside. When you choose to live your life in a way that makes you feel good about yourself and others, you're doing what's right.

You know what's easy? It's easy to do what everyone else is doing. It's easy to stay in your comfort zone, and it's easy to let your feelings get in the way of doing what is right.

It can be so hard to stand up for yourself when you feel like everyone is against you. But we're here to tell you that not everyone is—and we believe in you! If we could do it, so can you.

Thanks for reading!!

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Written by
2 years ago
