People need money but you know I need Google in my mind.

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1 year ago

People need wealth but you know I need google in my brain.

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It's hard to be a human being. We are constantly bombarded with stimuli, and we have to make decisions based on what information we have at hand. Sometimes that information is wrong, or incomplete—and sometimes we don't even have enough of it to make an informed decision! But what if there was a way for us to access more information? What if there was a way for us to know what other people were thinking about? And what if that information could help us make better decisions?

It's hard to get by sometimes, isn't it? You need wealth, but you know you need google in your brain. It's like a curse—you have to know all the world at your fingertips, but you can't always afford to have that knowledge in your head!

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Can you imagine how much easier life would be if we could just ask Google for answers? Instead of having to go through all that trouble of searching for what we want on the internet, asking people for help when we don't know something, or even just trying to figure out how to do something on our own? It's like a dream come true.

Well, guess what? It turns out there is a way! Google has just announced its new product: Goggles. Goggles are a pair of glasses that allow users to access the internet through their vision instead of their hands. This means that when you look at something, it will give you all kinds of information about it—and not just text-based stuff like Wikipedia entries or Google searches, either: it'll tell you how many people are looking at this thing right now (and where they are), whether or not they're happy with what they see (and why), and whether or not they'd like some help from an expert on the subject matter.

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People need wealth, but I need Google in my brain. I don't care about money, I just want to know what it is.

The only problem is that we can't ask google anything directly. We need to know how to phrase things in a way that Google understands—and that's hard! I know it feels like there are so many ways you could say something, but there aren't as many as it seems. You have to learn how to use the same language over and over again so that Google can understand it.

It's like learning a new language—it takes practice! But once you get the hang of it, it'll be super easy and fun! And then all the information you ever wanted will be right at your fingertips: just think about how much time and effort you'll save yourself by not having to look things up anymore.

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Thanks for reading!!!

Image by @Anaiba

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Fifth image: @Anaiba

$ 0.38
$ 0.30 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @M.Hussain
$ 0.03 from @Ezelazra3
Avatar for Anaiba
Written by
1 year ago
