My Favorite Quotes and Why?

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2 years ago

My Favorite Quotes and Why?

Life is not always easy, but if things are making you unhappy and feeling down, it’s time to change your thinking. Many people often say that they don’t believe in anything and that nothing happens. A quote is the best thing in order to make them realize what they should do in their life. I have found many quotes for myself. Some quotes are more useful than others because they talk to me and show me how not to think, but sometimes you get into a problem and you want to stop everything. You know why some quotes can help you with that? Because they are true. Let me tell you about my top nine favorite quotes ever written. I am sure that I didn’t pick only one or two of these. In fact, the quotes I have chosen only tell my story and talk about something that happens after I am happy and happy with each situation. So, many times, something bad happens and I can understand why people say “why not?”. That’s why a quote can be very helpful and that’s why we should all have at least five great quotes in our backpacks.

1- “Keep Your Faith!” – by Jim Rohn: Sometimes it is hard to keep your faith in someone or something, but what a relief – when people around you stay true to you. Keep your faith and everything will be okay. This quote gives an explanation. There are a lot of questions in my head; this quote tells me that even if my faith is weak, there is still hope. This is a good way to keep your faith and you can see yourself being strong in the future.

2- “Be Happy Ever After” – by John Lennon: It seems really nice that my mother told me, “be happy” every night before going to bed. Now I hear this saying quite often and it helps me feel much better about situations. It tells me that no matter what happens, my happiness is going to be as perfect as possible, and all other things will be OK. It reminds me what is important and what I need. I have seen a lot of examples of people who are truly happy and that makes me happy. When you are happy, you feel that you are the center of the world and when people talk about how happy people there are, in my opinion, they are the happiest people. People often say “they are happy” when they are happy and that’s what makes people happier.

3- “The Courage To Be Different” – by Stephen King: Not every person has to become like everyone else to be different. No one can live in another country. This quote encourages me to stay true to my dreams and to believe that I can make others happy in the same way. I always wanted to make people happy; now it’s easier for me to feel the power of confidence. If any idea makes you feel sad, this one should give you a few reasons to smile. This one was written when I was a teenager and there was a girl in town. She was strange and she was funny. She had no friends. All the girls at school were laughing when we saw her, which made her look unique and a little bit weird. Then she asked us to play basketball and all the boys were ready for the game. Everyone was excited and looked like they were going to score. We were the first team to play against such a girl in our school. They were the very first team who played against people who were the very first in history. Finally, we won and everybody applauded. The whole atmosphere changed in our classroom. Everybody laughed so hard everybody could laugh on their own.

4- “I Want To Tell You Who I Am” – by Neil Gaiman: Just a small boy who wants to tell you who he is. He is so shy and nervous and doesn’t know how to express himself. This is why he wants to say things; there are many times when he says nothing. But he thinks about his childhood; he likes to lie and laugh at himself. This quote shows how much he wants to tell you who he is and what he stands for. There isn’t much of a difference between him and anybody else. What is scary for him is that he feels ashamed of how shy and simple he thinks and thinks about how people don’t like him. But he also knows that he is different, and that’s what makes him who he is.

5- “The Sun and Me” – by Matt Wallace: Today, more than ever, I thought about a woman in olden times. She was very brave and I had never met a person yet who was as beautiful and brave as her. One day, I saw a picture of her and someone said, “I want one of those women’s pictures.” Her name was Elizabeth Short. She was not pretty in the pictures, but she had lots of courage. When I saw him, he looked exactly like Mary, Queen of Scots. It felt like I was dreaming when she was standing behind me and saying, “I want to bring you a beauty so beautiful that nobody can be jealous of it.” I couldn’t believe that I found a real beauty. Someone told me she was one of those women who had lots of courage and strength. When I saw this picture I thought that maybe love would come and help me find a person who would be like Elizabeth Short, but she had too much courage for that. I love that woman, but I never knew her, so it’s just a coincidence. Maybe she is an inspiration for me, but this picture made me think about her a bit. And finally, I decided to meet the man who is going to take care of me and change my life.

6- “I Will” — by David Bowie: As a child I was really scared of the dark. I didn’t want to feel this pain, the fear of darkness, and I hated being afraid of it. I always wanted a magical experience, somebody who would take my mind to another place and let it go. But the darkness wasn’t a place; it was a person, it was different. The other days I tried and tried to explain to myself what it meant, but nothing I could do was explain it. Until one day, I saw this person who was a boy. Little by little, he fell into my arms. I didn’t know what kind of person he was. I wanted to hug him and tell him that things would be alright, things would go well. Then he came to our house to visit for Christmas, which was his birthday. He asked me if I’d like to go with him. He told me that he was doing so well at school and that he would make me happy. I didn’t know his family, but I wanted to share a special moment with him.

7- “I Don’t Believe In Anything” — by Michael Jordan: In the beginning of my high school, I was really struggling to have someone think for me. For years I was struggling and couldn’t make anyone believe that I was going to change a world. I didn’t want to give up until one day I got something great. Before I went out for my football practice, I got a chance to talk to my teacher. I told him I didn’t want to see basketball again. He told me that he didn’t like basketball but that he really liked me and he would make me happy. Of course, I was surprised, but he believed in me and my efforts. From then on, every time I was talking to anybody, I told him, “I don’t believe in anything.” This quote helped me not to be so stubborn and to trust that the person who believes in me talked in me also. We are close now.

8- “Nothing Is An Island” — by Robert Louis Stevenson: This quote taught me everything I could. Nothing is an island because the sea doesn’t cross continents. Everything stays on Earth. Even though we are living in an isolated planet, I still have faith that whatever we do we are going to be able to survive and be happy together with one another. This is not an excuse for giving up, but I learned about it from this quote. Since then, I have realized that nothing is an island and we will be able to survive on Earth.

9– “Let Go Of Those Things That Are Holding You Back” – by Oprah Winfrey: We all face things and it’s hard to face ourselves and everything we are doing. Sometimes things are not possible. However, if we let go of what’s holding us back, we can use it to help ourselves and the lives around us. I am lucky to have a mother who is willing to help me and my brother when we need it, not to give advice and be right. Sometimes I forget about what’s possible. It’s easier to focus on what you don’t have than to think you only have it. I believe you need both.

The End.

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2 years ago
