Life is the process of drawing but without an eraser/remover.

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2 years ago

Life is the art of drawing without an eraser.

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This art is under process every time. In this life, you will find and you will do everything (good and bad) but can't remove it. Once a thing happened then it will never be revised.

You may think you can erase your mistakes, but you can't. There is no eraser or remover for life.

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Every moment of your life is a process of making drawings but without an eraser. You will make good decisions and bad decisions, but once you make them, they're permanent. You can't take back what you did (or didn't). You can't erase what's happened, and you can't change the past. But if you think about it, this isn't a bad thing—it's an opportunity for growth!

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You will find love and lose it, find success and fail miserably, be kind and be cruel…but even when you try to go back and change things, they won't change. Once a thing happened then it will never be revised.

The way we react to things that happen in our lives is up to us. We can choose to see them as opportunities for growth or as obstacles in our path. And with every choice we make, we're getting better at being able to see these opportunities clearly and act on them effectively—so even though we aren't able to erase anything from our pasts, we are learning how to use those experiences as stepping stones towards a brighter future!

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We are always creating something new and beautiful, but we can never erase what has already been done. Everything we create will remain with us forever—the good, the bad, and everything in between. Once a thing happens, it's done for good. You can't change it or take it back.

Past experiences helps you to grow to a brighter future. So you can't change the past but you can learn a lot from it.

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Thank you for clicking and reading this article.

Sorry today I used all images from unsplash because I was busy today and I upload this article in hurry.

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Avatar for Anaiba
Written by
2 years ago


And we only have one shot at life- we better make sure we use it wisely. Let us make those mistakes the stepping stones for success rather than stumbling blocks of life.

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2 years ago