History of Coffee and its effect on mind.

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2 years ago

History of coffee and its effect on the mind.

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One of the best-known types of caffeine is caffeine. It belongs to a group of drugs called flavonoids. The earliest evidence found for regular use of this type of drug dates back to 600BC with the writings of Hippocrates (c.400 BC) in his “On Drugs”, which he described in terms that are understandable and clear even at the time of writing at around 1500BC. Not until about 150BC did regular intake appear in the form of decaf or even coffee. This was a part of an effort to find more effective means of helping those who were suffering from certain conditions such as depression and anxiety.

The first written records from the year 200 BC in Greece of medical people with epilepsy also show us what kind of substance they used in their everyday life. They were referred to as Epileptes, meaning “seizure sufferers”. In some instances, these people would write poems or songs about themselves to help keep them calm during the day. These were also called Echosthenics. Many different kinds of tea were made by the same people. So, it can be seen how important and popular they were. Even at present time, we still see many people using caffeine in various forms, especially teenagers. It can be found in water bottles, coffee-and-sugary drinks, teas, energy drinks like sodas, and juice drinks.

Coffee is one of the most consumed beverages in the world. It has been seen that consumption of coffee increases blood pressure, stimulates the production of adrenaline, etc. There is quite a lot about this subject that will be discussed throughout our interview.

Pic by Anaiba

Anthropologist Richard Besseling, along with other researchers, published a review of scientific literature and data on the effects of caffeine. He concluded that there is no direct relation between consuming excessive amounts of coffee and hypertension rather it may affect blood pressure indirectly by causing hypoglycemia. A person with impaired glucose tolerance has a reduced ability to handle the insulin required to give the body the same amount of sugar as before the meal. Most of the time when people eat high amounts of carbohydrates, the body cannot respond because the cells were not fully developed. Also, the levels of glucose increase, and then the sugar reaches the brain too. When you have used a low level of glucose tolerance, the cell damage occurs so that you do not get the correct amount of sugar. For example, if you eat a burger from McDonald's your body responds with a large number of carbohydrates. Then you don't even notice the food taste. But if you have high levels of glucose tolerance and a little bit extra in the form of coffee, your system starts responding with a small amount of sugar and then your glucose levels start increasing.

Some studies have shown that a cup of coffee can cause a change in the rate of blood flow to the left side of the brain. This is said due to a reduction of oxygen that may be necessary to facilitate proper communication between the left half of the brain and the right half due to over-stimulation.

There may be some studies too, where scientists believe that caffeine can make the brain cells function faster than normal. If all these things happen, it is possible that taking caffeine every morning will increase the cognitive abilities of an individual. There is research that shows the effects that these cognitive abilities have after taking more than 5 cups of coffee daily! Some studies showed that people can learn better after having a coffee. The studies were conducted with young men and women. It is unknown why that happens but the participants were taken through a program and tested on verbal fluency and memory capacity. As a result of being taken through this program, their skills improved and they also got higher results on tests. Due to the good results they also got, they had more jobs after the training.

It seems that drinking lots of caffeinated beverages every day hurts your metabolism and it seems it makes you lose weight faster because it slows down the rate at which protein breaks down and it slows down the process at which the thyroid gland produces hormones and in turn can lead to obesity, and diabetes.

Some studies have also shown that drinking large amounts of caffeine causes sleep deprivation and insomnia. That is very common among teenagers but also grownups as well. Sleep deficit is linked with decreased attention span, difficulty concentrating and increased fatigue. Studies also show that getting enough sleep helps reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. According to them, poor quality sleep can increase the risk of becoming infected with Hepatitis C, HIV/AIDS, and many other diseases.

The list above is just the tip of the iceberg. Another study has shown that people who drink 2-3 hours a day of coffee daily are less likely to die younger than individuals who do not take any caffeine and do not get caffeine at all. So, the potential benefits of caffeine may be very similar.

Thanks for reading!!!

Pic by Anaiba

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2 years ago


I drink at least 1 cup of Turkish coffee a day. Especially after meals. This is a great pleasure for me. From Yemen to the Ottoman Empire in the 1500s, coffee spread to Europe through ambassadors.


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