Migraine, causes, symptoms and prevention.

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1 year ago

Migraine is a neurological illness, it is the worse type of headache which is effecting almost half of the world on regular basis and also an illness that affects 36 million Americans and can cause severe pain and disrupt daily activities.

It happens due to stress and many other reasons such as depression, certain illness etc can cause migraine attacks and migraine attacks are very hard to handle sometimes.

When a migraine attack is coming on, it can be best to take steps to avoid it. Pre-migraine symptoms can give you a sense of when relief is needed.


Pre-migraine symptoms include muscle pain and stiffness in the neck and shoulders.

Before a migraine begins, you might crave sweet foods.

What are the symptoms that tell you a migraine will soon follow?

Fatigue is a common symptom of a migraine.

The yawn could often be the symptom of a migraine attack.

Read about the Common Digestive Disturbances That Might Indicate You're Developing A Migraine

Intense feelings of needing to use the restroom will occur often This is a prodrome symptom that occurs in some cases.

When you are experiencing a migraine attack, it is common that you become overly sensitive to light or noise.


Signs that indicate you may be going into a migraine may include difficulty focusing, mood changes, and sensitivity to light. If you suspect that you're about to get a migraine, it's crucial to talk to your physician about preventing a full migraine attack. Some steps you may take during the prodrome stage are avoiding caffeine, alcohol, and migraines triggers.

Painkillers can help reduce or prevent an attack. You can use over-the-counter medications, such as Excedrin, or prescribed medications.Follow your doctor's instructions when medicating yourself for a migraine.


You can prevent migraine by avoiding anything that causes you to have one. It’s always a good idea to avoid triggers, but taking extra care with these triggers when you notice pre-migraine symptoms can help you prevent full migraines.

Taking a nap or going to bed early is helpful.Techniques such as meditation can also prevent a migraine from worsening, and make sure you sleep on time and don't overthink anything.

so the best time to start treating a migraine before it starts is when symptoms are happening. You should try to stay calm and in a dark place until the symptoms go away.

Take a warm shower or bath and it will help relax your muscles.

Apply ice packs to the pain to help it calm down.

Drinking some coffee can alleviate headache pain and may enhance the results of a painkiller you are already taking.

However, it is important not to drink too much caffeine, which can lead to withdrawal headaches and prevent you from sleeping.


Those who experience migraine attacks should take OTC medication with rest.

If the migraines are frequent and disruptive to daily activities, contact a doctor. Contacting a physician is good if you have these issues:

Medicines available that are not OTC that can be taken with migraines to stop them

How you can use OTC medications to prevent your migraines How often do migraines occur?

What are pre-migraine symptoms, and how does exposure to light, noise, or movement affect them?

Fighting an oncoming migraine attack What causes a headache?

What to watch out for if pre-migraine symptoms suddenly appear how to identify important pre-migraine symptoms how to break the pain cycle

Why does one get a migraine?There are quarterly stages in a migraine.

A person will not have every stage during a migraine attack, as there are stages.

Aura stage: People with an aura who have migraines usually experience the attack about an hour before it begins. Aura symptoms are variable, but often include blurry vision, seeing flashing lights, visual hallucinations, vision loss, and dizziness.In the headache stage, you will experience moderate to severe headaches, usually concentrated on one side of your head. Pain can become worse when you move.

The attack stage ranges from a few hours upto three days with other migraine symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, trouble sleeping, and sensitivity to light, sound, and smells.

After a migraine attack recedes, it can take hours to days for the post-drome stage to subside. People in this stage experience depletion and fatigue as well as lightheadedness, aching muscles, and dizziness.

To experience the best result during this time, it is important to avoid triggers and rest when you need to.

Look for pre-migraine symptoms such as fatigue and mood changes, and chat with your doctor to avoid future migraine attacks and treatments.

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1 year ago


Seems like i had all symptoms.. But i have silly headache at exhausted stage.. Is it normal?

$ 0.00
1 year ago

If you've all the symptoms and the headache is continuous then you should consult a doctor dear

$ 0.00
1 year ago