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Avatar for Amyliah
2 years ago
Topics: Medicine

I originally found out about Calmoseptine Ointment from my child's pediatrician. She it to forestall diaper rashes. Already, I utilized petrol jam. However, when I eliminate the diaper, I see that the child's skin is red. I can barely comprehend how awkward that feels. Calmoseptine salve appears to be compelling in light of the fact that my child's skin didn't become red even subsequent to wearing a diaper for quite a while. I rub Calmoseptine on the skin for each diaper change.

This salve arrives in a little sachet. It says on the mark that it is a multi-reason dampness boundary balm. It additionally advances mending of skin disturbances from different causes, for example, pee, looseness of the bowels, sweat, and thorny intensity.

I, at the end of the day, have attempted Calmoseptine for my thorny intensity (or bungang araw). At the point when I applied the treatment to the impacted part, the salve gave a to some degree cooling impact which reduced the agony. The thorny intensity was recuperated in two days. I'm certain it would have recuperated before, yet the impacted region is close to my elbow where the perspiration meets. This is demonstrated when my child had thorny intensity on his back. He was restored the following day. He no longer grumbles of the tingle, and there were not any more little red imprints on his back. My sister likewise said that it is successful in restoring bug nibbles.

A sachet of Calmoseptine balm can be utilized by kids and grown-ups. One sachet can go on about seven days, however it relies on the number of individuals that utilizes it. I just utilize a flimsy film for diaper change and thorny intensity, so I stretch out the utilization to around fourteen days. Regardless of whether there are no more youngsters in a family, Calmoseptine would in any case be helpful. Since we live in a tropical country, we are inclined to encountering different skin disturbances.

Attempt it now. I used to purchase Calmoseptine at Mercury Drug for P37 per sachet. In any case, I found that it is P1 less expensive in The Generics Pharmacy.


This prescription is utilized to treat and forestall minor skin disturbances, (for example, from loose bowels, consumes, cuts, scratches). It works by shaping a boundary on the skin to safeguard it from aggravations/moisture.Check the fixings on the mark regardless of whether you have utilized the item previously. The producer might have changed the fixings. Additionally, items with comparable names might contain various fixings implied for various purposes. Utilizing some unacceptable item could hurt you.

Instructions to utilize Calmoseptine 0.44 %-20.6 % Topical Ointment Dermatological Irritants-Counter-Irritant Formulations

On the off chance that you are utilizing the over-the-counter item to self-treat, read and follow all bearings on the item bundle prior to utilizing this drug. On the off chance that you have any inquiries, counsel your drug specialist. Assuming that your PCP has endorsed this medicine, use it as coordinated.

This prescription is for use on the skin as it were. Wash and dry your hands prior to applying the prescription, then, at that point, spotless and dry the impacted region. Apply a flimsy movie of the prescription to the impacted region and delicately focus on as coordinated.

Clean up well subsequent to applying except if you are utilizing this medicine to treat the hands. Try not to get this medicine in your eyes, nose, or mouth. Assuming you truly do get the medicine in those areas, flush with a lot of water.

Let your PCP know if your condition goes on for over 7 days, or then again assuming it deteriorates, or on the other hand on the off chance that it continues to return. Assuming you figure you might have a genuine clinical issue, move clinical assistance immediately.

Full Prescribing Info


Zinc oxide, calamine.


Every sachet of 3.5 g of salve contains zinc oxide 555.7 mg and calamine 164.5 mg. It additionally contains menthol, sodium bicarbonate, phenol, lanolin, thymol, chlorothymol and glycerin in an appropriate treatment base.

Calmoseptine balm has an even combination of numerous fixings, and has a non-untidy, non-flaky base that mixes into the skin flawlessly like cream while going about as a skin protectant.


Calmoseptine salve advances wound granulation and re-epithilialization.


Safeguards, mitigates and advances mending of disabled skin uprightness connected with: Feeding tube site spillage; twisted waste (to shield peri-twisted skin from maceration) (peristomal and parastomal skin disturbances); urinary and waste incontinence, bedsores; ileoanal repositories, ileostomy, urostomy; dampness eg, sweat; skin break out, scratches; contagious diseases, dermatitis, impetigo; diaper rash (youngsters and grown-ups); bug chomps; consumes (fire, radiation, substance); fistula, crevices, abrasion; colonoscopy, outside hemorrhoid; scraping, drying of skin; parasitic contaminations; vaginal and rectal irritation; thorny intensity.

Measurement/Direction for Use

Scrub skin, wipe off and apply 2-4 times day to day or as important to advance solace and assurance.

Unique Precautions

For outside utilize as it were.

$ 0.38
$ 0.37 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.01 from @CoinBitShac
Avatar for Amyliah
2 years ago
Topics: Medicine


You mothers are really trying with all that I honestly just imagine sometimes that dads should be the ones taking care of babies then there will be serious issues, when my cousin's sister gave birth after like two weeks or so when the started using diapers for the baby rashes started coming out from the groins of the baby and whenever the baby starts crying the mother starts crying to because it was so painful for the baby as we all could see it

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Effective nga ang calmoseptine sis, yan din gamit ko sa dalawang anak ko nung baby pa sila. Nakakaawa pag may rashes ang baby

$ 0.00
2 years ago

When my sister gave birth Im so happy because that was my first time to be an uncle 🤣 I was excited and since my sister is q first time she doesn't know the different things about the needs of a baby. When my nephew had a rashes all over her body, we go to her pediatrician and she recommended elica as the ointment for rashes and its really effective.

$ 0.00
2 years ago